Your a in denial little

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You're in living room with your boyfriend and you watching TV you're snuggled up to him and he notices something is wrong with you.

"Y-Y-Yoo-o-ongi I-I l-love y-you" you say stuttering "I love you too baby but are you ok?" Yoongi says very concerned. You frantically nod your head and try to say something else. "D-D-Da-d-d-a" you say  pointing actually in gear and reaching out with grabby hands. yoongi knows exactly what's happening he knows what a little is because of Tae and Jungkook. It's very excited that you are a little because he's always wanted to be a dada.

you're still in your little space Yoongi has dressed you up in a cute little onesie that jungkook or Tae can't fit in but you can. he keeps calling you cute baby and little girl inside you love it.

He gave you mac and cheese for dinner and a warm bottle of milk and Rocked you to sleep. He told you before you went to sleep "y/n if you ever wake up I will always be here for you your daddy is here. and he will never leave you because I'm a daddy and I will always love my little girl" Yoongi says as you fall fast sleep in his arms.

The little space lasted until you woke up the next morning.

When you wake up you're very confused because you had a pacifier next to you.

You asked Yoongi what happened and he told you everything is how it happened what happened and how it ended.

You got really angry at yourself because you didn't want this to happen you got angry and snappy and told them not to talk about it.

yoongi knew exactly why you act like this because you are embarrassed but he will support you and he knows that you will accept being a little one day and he will loved every single second of it because you're his girlfriend y/n and will never stop loving you.
. But oh well hope you enjoy it please send me your requests I'm running out of ideas.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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