DDM A boy asked you out but you don't like him

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DDM A boy asked you out but you don't like him


It's the end of another school day and your walking out of school happy because you got your test results today. You see your dad wait outside school in his car. You start to walk up to him. You hear someone say your name you turn around and see Liam. "hey y/n can I ask you something" you nod and look at him "ok y/n I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend" he says. You knew this was going to happen because you knew he has a crush on you since the day you met him. He would always try to talk to you and you wouldn't like it. You don't like him.

You look around and see your dad you give him a look like help me. He got out of the car and starts walking towards you. "y/n sweetheart we are running late for you singing lesson" you father says and takes you hand. "oh yes see you tomorrow Liam bye" you say and walk off and get in the car with Jin.

"thank you, dad, for saving me" you say "your welcome but what was that about" "oh he asked me out and I don't like him" you say. "OK good because no boys until your like 40" you dad says. "oh, that's fine because I don't like boys in that way I girls more" you say out of the blew you dad sits there in shock.

Sorry it's so short but part 3 will be up soon.
Love Midnightanna xxxx

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