7 boys 1 girl part 8

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All is silent in the house everyone was with each other until a loud scream is heard "JIIIIMMMIIINNN". After that everyone was not silent palming themselves until all of the came in their pants.

Jin: ok who was that

y/n: who was what

Tae: you know that loud scream

y/n: don't know what you are talking about

Jimin: yes, you do y/n because you're the one who made it

y/n: 🙈

Jungkook: wow I didn't know you could scream that loud why I haven't made you scream that loud

y/n: maybe because your terrible at sex

RM: burnnnnnn

Yoongi: this is why you my girlfriend

Jungkook: 😔😢

y/n: baby I'm kidding maybe you can show me what you have got

Jungkook: 😳🍆


Jin: Jimin baby are you feeling ok

Jimin: I just feel like I'm not wanted

y/n: oh, Jimin you can come

Jimin: YAY

Jin: if you break my baby, I will kill you

Jimin/Y/n: which one?

Jin: ummm

Jungkook: how do slugs have sex? I just confused

*seen by everyone*


Jin: what is it my baby? daddy is out at the moment go play with Yoongi and Jhope

Jimin: I can't daddy they are shouting at each other

Jin: oh no baby we are on our way, where are you???

Jimin: under the table with hedgeyhog

Jin: stay there we will find you

A bit later Jin runs into the house to find baby Jimin. They find him clutching the hedgehog tightly crying because he's scared of loud noises. Namjoon carries Jimin downstairs and cuddles him. Everyone id around him to make sure he's ok. Jin gets him some milk and Jungkook feeds him. Eventually he falls asleep. Until.


Jimin wakes up crying Jungkook holds him and rocks him. Yoongi runs down the stairs in tears runs past everyone Namjoon tries to stop him. Yoongi run outside and slams the door Hoseok also runs down stairs "Yoongi wait" but he has already gone.

Hoseok was about to just walk away but Jin stopped him.

Jin: don't you dare leave you need to explain what happened now. You scared poor little Jimin

Jhope: ok fine I slapped Yoongi

Jungkook: YOU DID WHAT?

Jhope: wait let me explain. I got annoyed that he wanted to spend time with y/n when I want to but he wanted to be alone with y/n I didn't want that. He kept saying that I take everyone's time and nobody actually like me so I slapped him.

RM: right first of all both of you are in the wrong we need to find hi and say sorry y/n you stay with Jimin and we all go

Every leaves Jhope looks broken they all know he didn't mean to slap him but they are all still annoyed.

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