Assigned marriage to my bully ! Chapt.1

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Mom: "Come on Y/N you're gonna be late for school!" She said in a hurry

You: why me"Ugh okay hold on I'm getting ready!" She said yelling back.

Mom: " Okay. And make sure you come straight home after school my boss and his son wants to meet you!"

You: " uh ok I will!" I wonder who it is mom's work has never been interested in me.
You start to get ready for school and this is what you decided to wear for make up.

What you decided to wear for clothing and shoes and hair pins

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What you decided to wear for clothing and shoes and hair pins.

You: ok im all ready time to go to school even though this is a bit girly for me but I still love it

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You: ok im all ready time to go to school even though this is a bit girly for me but I still love it. "Okay mom I'm ready!"

You walk downstairs and eat breakfast and head out to the bus. You get on the bus and realize that the only seat avaliable is by your bully YOONGI !!!

You: "oh nooooo. WHY IS THIS SEAT THE ONLY SEAT AVAILABLE UGHHHHH I guess I have no choice."

You cautiously sit by yoongi.

Yoongi: "huh what are you sitting with me? Aish go away." He starts to pull your hair.

You: "ouch stop it. I only sat here because this was the only seat avaliable. Ok so just stop Geez."

Yoongi p.o.v

She so annoying I can't believe her she could have told her friend to sit by me instead and switch seats. Oh that's right she dosent have any friend.

Suddenly your heart skips a couple beats and you imagine you and her together being married and having children.

Then you let go of her hair and she slaps your face. What the heck is wrong with me. Could I --- Noooooooooo not possible.... right?

Your P.O.V

I can't believe he let go and can't believe I just slapped him now all eyes are on us

You start to blush .... wait could I like him... you slap your face

You: "no no no no no not possible "

Yoongi:" what's not possible "

You: "nothing just talking out loud"
You have a nervous laugh

Yoongi: "Whatever just don't talk to me and don't look at me and if you do well let's just say that it won't pretty "

You scoff... you turn your head away and just continue with the bus ride

* 10 minutes later *

You are now at school and hurry up and get off and go to your locker

Once you get your stuff you see the person you lastly want to see YOONGI AND HIS FRIENDS!!!

Yoongi: "Well well looks what we got here is little miss Y/N"

You: "Go away yoongi"

Yoongi: "Yahhhhh!!!"

You: I said GO AWAY

RM: "what are you going to do about it"

You just scoff ... and than you just see jungkook and jimin just kissed than suddenly you start jumping of happiness and laugh

Everyone is looking at you weirdly besides jungkook and jimin cause they realised what you were smiling at

J-hope: "what are you smiling at? "

You: "Nothing hehehehe"

You try to walk away But yoongi grabs you and slams you into the lockers and has one hand on your chin

Yoongi: " yahhh. if we ask you something you answer us got it "

*Authors P.O.V *

Soooo that's it for today's chapter make sure to add this to any of your books in the libary or something idk I'm not used to this

😄🙂😑😏😉 I hope you guys liked it , it was my first story so like yeah I should get better the more I continue I hope

I update chapters and make a chapter everyday so don't worry if you want to see what happens next in the story

Thank you

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now