Assigned marriage to my bully chapt.24

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Your P.O.V

We all got in the car and left

Jungkook: "Okay explain what happend"

You: "Yoongi cheated on me with the nurse that spilled water on us and he came home with her today kissing her and than we got in a physical fight and than I'm leaving far away from him I don't want to see him for a long time"

Jungkook: "Wow unbelievable should we tell the others"

Jimin: "I'm preety sure yoongi will tell them what happend"

Jungkook: "Okay but where do you plan to go?"

You: "Uhhhhhhh actually I might know a person"

You get your phone and call jisoo and surprisingly she answered quickly

On the phone with jisoo

Jisoo: "Yes?"

You: "Hey do you have 2 rooms in your house open"

Jisoo: "Yes why"

You: "Yoongi cheated on me with a nurse from the hospital Mark works at and he brought her home kissing an-"

Jisoo: "You don't need to say anymore you can come over my house is at ***  woodwind st."

You: "Thanks see you later"

Jisoo: "Yep bye"

End call

You: "Okay we got a place we can stay"

Jimin: "Tell Jungkook the address so he can put it in my GPS"

Jungkook grabs the Phone and goes to Maps

You: "Okay it's *** woodwind st."

Jungkook types it in and puts it on the phone Holder and jimin looks at it and he drives to the place

Time skip

We got there and we all went out of the car and of course he parked it and as soon as we get to door it opens revealing jisoo

Jisoo: "OMG are you okay"

She hugs you and you hugged back she than looks at you holding in one hand a car seat and Chayle in it sleeping and she broke the hug

Jisoo: "Wow she so cute"

You nod and she looks to Jimin and Jungkook and she hugs them and they hug back

Jisso: "Why are they here?"

You: "Jimin didn't give me a choice he wanted to tag along to make sure I was okay with jungkook"

She laughs and breaks the hug

Jisso: "Seems like Jimin is still controlling still"

Jimin: "Was I always controlling?"

Everyone except Jimin: "Yes!"

Jisoo: "Any ways come on in"

Everyone went in and she showed you too your rooms and you all settled down you put Chayle in your bed cause she's like yoongi she doesn't move when she sleeps same with me but Idk

Anyways after everyone got settled in everyone went downstairs to have a drink and talk

You:"Oh yeah jisoo don't you live With Mark"

Jisoo: "Yeah I do he's sleeping right now and our child too oh yeah and he purposed to me when I was pregnant"

You: "When's the wedding"

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now