Assigned marriage to my bully! Chapt.17 (+18)

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*Your P.O.V*

Let the games begin

~~~~ end of school at home

You: "Yooooongi"

Yoongi: "Yeah?"

You: "Why have you been acting wierd lately?"

Yoongi: "What do you mean by weird?"

You: "I mean that you show more love and affection tworads me"

Yoongi: " And you think that something is going on?"

You nod and he just sighs

Yoongi: "Do you want me to be cold to you than?"

You: "That's not what I mean"

Yoongi: "Than what did you mean?"

You: "I meant that it's wierd and want to know why you are doing this"

Yoongi: "Well you figure it out sooner or later but not now"

Is he testing me or something why not now is it something important that I don't know about that suddenly made him change

You just made a pouty face

You: "Tell me plz"


You playfully hit his shoulder

You: "Any ways I have to go change for tonight "

You than go upstairs and do your nightime routine and than you go change into this

You than go upstairs and do your nightime routine and than you go change into this

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And you did the rest blah blah blah and yoongi did his thing

And than you just sit by the window and just look at the sunset and than you start thinking of what has happened in your life and that you start crying

After yoongi gets out of the bathroom he see you by the window and he goes to you and see you crying and than he hugs you and you hugged back

Yoongi: "What's wrong?"

You: "I just remember all of the bad things I went through and that you were the only one that was by my side at the toughest times even though you were my bully you have always kept me safe because you wouldn't let anyone bully me except you and for some reason I always felt safe in your arms"

Yoongi: "Ahh well not matter what I will stay by your side and make you forget all the bad things that happened because I'm with you now and that won't change it"

You just nod and stop crying and look up to yoongi's face and he was looking at you than he kissed your forhead

You: "You really do care about me"

Yoongi: "Of course I do"

I feel guilty now cause of IU and the game of seeing if yoongi actually cared about me but Idk if I should tell her that we are actually married

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now