Assigned marriage to my bully chapt.22

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Your P.O.V

You: " I-i was wondering what you were doing outside of the office c-cause you don't usually leave your office at that time"

Yoongi: "ahhhhhhhh that I was....." 

You: "You were"

Yoongi: "Uhhhhhh can we talk in private"

You and BTS nods and BTS went out of the room

You: "What did you do?"

Yoongi: "PROMISE me that you won't get mad cause it wasn't my fault"

You: "I promise I won't get mad"

What could he have done it sounds like it was so bad

He let's out a huge sigh

Yoongi: "Ok so my friend Irene at work wanted to see me so she called me in her office ....."

You: "Go on"

Yoongi: "Ok so when I got in the room it was dark next thing i-i know is that she put my arms behind my back and tied them but I couldn't see so I didn't know what was going on"

I suddenly don't like where this going

Yoongi: "Than the next thing I know I being pinned on the door and than I got practically raped I tried to push her off but I couldn't she was too strong I'm sorry"

You could see tears forming in his eyes and you had some tears too

You: "What did you do when she let you go"

Yoongi: "I pushed her and ran back into my office"

You: "I'm sorry"

Yoongi: "For what? You shouldn't be the one sorry you did nothing wrong"

You: "I'm sorry for not being there and helping you get out of that situation"

You wiped your tears and he looked up at you and hugged you very tight and you hugged back

Yoongi: "It's not your fault I should have been strong enough to push her off she took me by suprise and she didn't know I was married or that I have a family "

You: "Did it pleasure you"

Yoongi:"of course not it did not pleasure me the whole time I wondering about you. You are the only one I think about and besides your the only one that gives me pleasure"

You chuckled and you broke the hug

You: "Ok I forgive you but I will teach that bitch a lesson"

Yoongi: "We both can do it to show her that I will not cheat on you ever because I love you and only you and that we are about to have a family and I can't afford to lose cause if I lose you I lose everything that I love"

You: "Yeah that will teach her a lesson"

You both laughed

You: "Can you guys stop listening you can back in now ?"

BTS walked in

BTS except yoongi: " How did you know that we were listening?"

Yoongi: "Yeah how did you know I couldn't even tell they were listening"

You: "Well I knew because we'll one you guys are always nosy and two I know you and three the door kept making sounds of you guys going on and off"

BTS: "Wow"

You smiled and everyone sat down

Suddenly you got a text

Text from ???

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now