Assigned marriage to my bully! Chapt.15

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*Back were we left off your P.O.V *

You go and sit by yoongi

You:"What is it that you want to talk about"

Yoongi:" Uhh Lately you have been acting wierd"

You: "Wierd?"

Yoongi: "Yeah you have been afually tierd and you rarely talk to me anymore"

You: "Oh Ummmm I don't know the answer"

Yoongi: "I thought that mabye you were pregnant at first but Than i thought that we didn't do that. That night"

Wait did he just say he though I was pregnant

You: "You realise I could have done it with someone else"

Yoongi looked jungshook

Yoongi: "Who would you have done it with You have a husband Y/N "

You: "I know I have a husband and I didn't do that with anyone"

Yoongi lightly slapped you on the shoulder

Yoongj: "Don't scare me like that"

You: "You actually care about me"

Yoongi pinched your cheek

Yoongi:"of course I care about you if anything happens to you I don't what I'll do"

You: "if anything happens to me or you our parents will have emotions too"

Yoongi let go of your cheek

Yoongi: "Can we not make things about our parents"

You just nod

Yoongi than just kisses you and you kissed back

Yoongi: "Alright I'm gonna take a shower"

You: "Okay"

Yoongi than went in the shower and while he was doing that you just played with your phone on the bed

Yoongi came out 10 minutes later with a towel around his waist

You: "You forgot your clothes?"

Yoongi: "Yeah"

He than got a pair of pj's and went back into the bathroom to change 2 minutes later he came back and layed on the bed

And than you forgot that you have to sleep on the couch

You: "Okay I'll go back to the couch"

You got up but Than yoongi grabbed your waist

Yoongi:"You can sleep in the bed You know I won't do anything to you"

You than sigh And than lay back down and he pulled you closer to him and he still had his arms around his waist and than he layed his head on your chest and than next thing you know he fell asleep and than you fell asleep and so you fell asleep cuddling

*Next morning school day *

You got woken up by the alarm and than you realise it's a school day and then you realised that Yoongi was on your chest and you just stared at him until he woke up and he put his head up to face yours

Yoongi:"Good morning "

You:"Good morning"

Yoongi: "I think that we should get ready for school"


Yoongi than got up and went to take a shower 5 minutes later he went out dressed and you went to take a shower and than after the shower you got dressed into this

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now