Assigned marriage to my bully! chapt.8

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May have cursing in this ☡

*Your P.O.V *

OMG i cant believe it  what's going on ? Why did I just do that ?

Alright next time I'm just sleeping on the couch cause I don't want anything like this to happen again ever

You than wakes up And get off of yoongi and go sleep on the couch for the rest of the night

*Next morning still your P.O.V*

You wake up and see yoongi and his friends on the other couch

You than sit up and rub your eyes

Tae: "Oh your awake good morning"

You: "Yeah good morning. What are you guys doing here?"

Jimin: "Well we wanted to see inside of your house properly"

Jin: "Nevermind that why were you sleeping on the couch?"

You: "Well I did fall asleep upstairs with yoongi at first but Than i woke up in the middle of the night so i went down here to sleep on the couch it's that simple really"

Jhope: "Wow your so honest "

Rm: "Dosent your back it neck hurt after sleeping on the couch"

You: "No not really"

Just than yoongi comes downstairs and goes to sit next to you on the couch

You: "Oh good morning yoongi"

Everyone else: "Morning hyung"

Yoongi: "Morning"

You look at everyone else and they are smirking



The next thing you know they are whispering to eachother

You Tap yoongi on the shoulder and whisper

You whispering: "What are they whispering about?"

Yoongi just shrugs

Yoongi: "You guys are starting to act like girls what are you whispering about? "

Jimin: "Well you guys look like an actual married couple"

You and yoongi:"What?!"

You: "Oh gosh no Nada never"

Yoongi: "I agree with Y/N this marriage is only arranged so there is no way I could ever actually like her"

You:"Same for me"

Jungkook: "Now your already agreeing on this and besides that Yoongi sat be you instead of us"

Yoongi just looks dumbfounded

You hide you face in a blanket you slept with

Jhope: "Y/N are you blushing"

You: "Yeah"

You didn't know for sure but you could feel everyone smirking at you but yoongi looked at you wierd

You couldn't help but be honest you barley even tell lies if you told a lie it would be very obvious so you choose to never tell lies

Tae: "Dang you are really to honest"

You just noticed that you were still in your pj's so you decided to use that as an excuse to get away

You:"I have to change and take a shower goodbye"

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now