Assigned marriage to my bully! chapt.6

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*Your P.O.V *

You stormed in your room not able to fall asleep easily  because you can't over what happened at the restaurant but the more you started to think the more you didn't realise that you dosed off by thinking to much

*Next Day (school day) *

You got up by the sound of your alarm and you did your normal routine

After the shower you wore

After the shower you wore

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Even though you were going to school you still wanted to look sexy to give yoongi a piece of your mind and who would even know that you you actually had clothes tike this

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Even though you were going to school you still wanted to look sexy to give yoongi a piece of your mind and who would even know that you you actually had clothes tike this

*Time skip*

You get on the bus and everyone looked at you in awe

Boy 1 : "Damn you look sexy"

Boy 2: " Wow who knew that someone could become so sexy damn girl"

Wow everyone falling in awe with you but sadly the only seat avaliable again was yoongi and he was sleeping so you were like whatever he's not even going to notice so you sit by him

Yoongi: "Go away"

You: "I can't only seat left"

Yoongi opens his eyes and looks around and than he looks at you

Yoongi:  "Who are you? I've never seen you before"

You: "Are you kidding me. It's Y/N stupid"

Yoongi: "Seriously you gotta be kidding me.  But by the way you talk to me you gotta be her but what happened"

You just smirked

You: "I don't know I just found this in my closet and decided to wear it I guess but I didn't know that it would turn out like this"

Yoongi: " Like I would believe you "

You just scoff

*Time skip at the school at your locker*

Wow I can't believe yoongi didn't do anything today and than you turn over and see yoongi's friends and him come tworads you

Yoongi: " Well we got miss Y/N here making every single boy fall over her"

Rm: "Well you gotta admit that she does look sexy"

J-Hope: "Damn I have to admit it I have to agree  with RM "

Yoongi: "Whatever"

Hehehehehe what if I just say that I'm his future wife and than everyone will be shocked

You: "Yoongi is that any way to treat your future wife and you stole my first ki----"

Your mouth got covered by yoongi's hand before you could finish your sentence

Yoongi just put his finger over his lips and whispered shhhh

You just smirked in response

Jimin: "Wait what where you about to say"

Jungkook:"Yeah what?"

Rm: "Nevermind what she was about to say what you being his future wife"

Jin: "yoongi what are you hiding from us? "

You than take yoongi's hand off your mouth than you sigh

You: "Wow I can't believe he didn't tell you yet ugh I have to go to class yoongi can explain"

You than walk to class

*Yoongi's P.O.V *

Yoongi: "Welp gtg bye see yah"

Before I could walk away RM grabbed my shirt

Rm: "You need to explain to us what happened what was she going to say just than? And why did she call you your future wife?"

Wow they sure have a lot of questions ughhhh why did she have to leave me to them

I have to tell the truth otherwise I'm screwed

Yoongi: " Well our mom's work together and they realised that me and Y/N aren't really Intreaster in our future so they decided to make an assigned marriage"


Yoongi: " Shhh keep it down"

Jin: "Any way keep going what was she about to say?"

You start to act shyly

Yoongi: " Well in order to convince her to do the marriage cause I already aggressive to it because my mom promised me an allowance so In order to convince her I had to k-kiss her"


Yoongi: "Keep it down"

Tae: "why she get convinced after that?"

Yoongi: "Well she said it was because it would get me to leave her alone"

Jungkook:"Wouldn't that bring you closer"

You just shruged

Jin: " Any way we need to get to class "

You just nod your head and go off to class

*Authors P.O.V *

Welp hope you guys liked this chapter even though it was probaly boring like the other chapters

I was busy again TODAY I had to go rollar skating and do laser tag

It was fun but I suffered because I didn't have Mt phone because it was dead

Perfect timing right?

And than excuse my language but my sister had to be a fucking bitch and argue with me which totally pissed me off again excuse my language

Anyways hope you guys like this chapter and add this to your story line for more cause it's about to be intense and plz vote for my story

Rembered I post something everyday so yeah it will give you updates

Thanks and keep reading

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