Assigned marriage to my bully! chapt.9

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May have cursing☡

*Your P.O.V *

OMG they are acting so creepy

You: "What are you guys smirking about? "

Tae: "Stop acting like you guys don't know we saw you guys kiss outside"

Jimin: "I'm surprised yoongi made the first move"

Yoongi:"Really? "

Jhope: "Yeah cause you are not the romantic kinda type"

You: "Wait did you hear what we were talking about"

Everyone: "No"

You: "Okay so you guys were just watching okay"

Everyone just nodded and just sighs of relief

Rm: "Honestly I was shipping you guys ever since you met and know it finally happened you know"

You and yoongi in unison: "You were?!"

Everyone nods

You: " Well than you got your wish"

You than felt yoongi's hand holding yours

You than turn your head quickly to him and he acts like it nothing away and than you turn your head back to them and you could help but blush like a red tomato

Jungkook: "What's wrong Y/N you seemed flushed"

You: "Oh it's nothing I'm alright"

Jungkook: "Okay"

Yoongi: "Oh yeah what did you guys come here for anyway"

Jimin: "Oh we wanted to see your place but I guess we did and now we need to leave"

Yoongi: " Ahh okay well bye"

You: "Okay bye oppa's"

Everyone: "Aww she called us her oppa" 

You blush

Yoongi: "Okay bye"

He just pushes them out the door and locks it and he let's out a sigh of relief

Yoongi: "They are finally gone"

Yoongi than goes to you and holds your waist and of course you couldn't help but blush

You: "What?"

He then leans in close to you and of course you are vulnerable so you blushing even darker

Just than he starts to laugh 

Wow he's a pain in the ass

You than hit him on the shoulder

Yoongi: "Ow that actually hurt"

You: "Your fault you shouldn't tease me like that"

Yoongi: " What you actually though I was going to kiss you I was only acting the whole time"

You than got so mad but sad at the same time

You: "Yeah me too (you lied)  but you shouldn't tease me like that"

You punch his shoulder

Yoongi: "Ow you have strength"

You: "Tease me again than you'll get a harder punch"

After the boys just opened there heart about them wanting us to be together from the start really pains me and they could have meant it

Yoongi: "But what if the next time I don't tease you and do the actual thing?"

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now