Assigned marriage with my bully chapt.2

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You: "why? I mean like if I told you to listen to me and answer all my questions you wouldn't do it ... right ?"

Yoongi: "Aish... "

Yoongi starts to pull your hair..

Yoongi: don't EVER talk to me that way!

You: *Mumbles* "just wait yoongi just wait"

Yoongi pushes you again and walks away with his friends

Aish.... this guy really sucks oh yeah I gotta hurry imma be late for class

You start to run to your class and thank lord you were not late

*Authors P.O.V*
imma just skip till the end of the day cause like yeah it's gonna be boring unless you want to learn a couple of things

*your P.O.V*

Oh that right imma supposed to go to mom's work after school for some reason.... you start to run home

And once you got home you took a shower and changed into something fancy but somewhat casual

And once you got home you took a shower and changed into something fancy but somewhat casual

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That's your shoes,clothes, and makeup

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That's your shoes,clothes, and makeup

*15 minutes later*

Mom picks you up and takes you too a restaurant

Mom: "remember before we go in always remember that your mom loves you okay?"

You: "okay mom I will remember "

You sounded a bit confused why is she telling me this

You both went into the restaurant and went to your seat with your mom's boss and her son which looks familiar to you

Mrs.Min: "Hi Y/N I'm Mrs.Min and This is my son yoongi"

You: "Hi wait ......... YOONGI!.... no wonder why you look so familiar"

Mrs.Min: "You guys know each other perfect that makes this easier"

Yoongi: "Wait mom what's going on"

Your mom: "Well me and yoongi's mom have seen that both of you guys have no interest in your future soooo...."

Mrs.min:" sooooo... we have decided that you guys will have a arranged marriage "

You and yoongi : "WHATTTT "

You: "I object"

Yoongi: "Same here"

Mrs.Min: "yoongi I'll give you $40 if you say yes "

Yoongi: "ok im in"

You: "seriously unbelievable... I still object"

You walk out of the restaurant

*yoongi P.O.V*

WOW should I go get her or something I mean like she is angry and now I'm completely in it and i actually ........ scratch that why would I like her I bullied her ever since middle school so how come I would start liking her that's crazy right?

Mom: "Yoongi go get her and make her agree thanks"


You: "Okay"

You get up and head out the restaurant and go to Y/N

*Authors P.O.V*

Sorry to end it here but I can tell that you guys are going to love the next chapter cause it's when they have their first ......... I shouldn't spoil it just wait till the next chapter to find out 😎🙂😅😄😊

And remember this is my first time doing this so I'm not that persuasive yet so like yeah

Thank you

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now