Assigned marriage to my bully chapt.20

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*Your P.O.V*

Once you got to the door you heard something wierd come from the door so you opened the door quietly and you couldn't believe what you saw

😂😅ok I'll stob it 😂

You couldn't believe it you were so happy with what you saw it was amazing you wanted to scream so loud

Jikook was kissing

And then suddenly something hit you why are they in yoongi's office?

I think Jungkook noticed you and than jimin noticed you

All you were doing was smiling like a freak

Jungkook: "Oh oh oh hi Y/N"

You were still smiling like a freak and waved like a freak

You were about to burst of happiness

Jimin: "H-hi hellllllllllooooooo are you okay?"

You snap back to reality

You: "Huh?"

They both facepalmed

Jikook: "Are you okay?"

You: "Yeah. Why are you guys in yoongi's office?"

Jimin: "Oh yeah we uh ..... Jungkook you want to tell her"

Jungkook: "Nope I'm afraid if what she will do"

You: "Tell me first good or bad?"

Jimin: "Good. "

You: "Ok tell me than there is nothing to worry about"

Jimin: "Oh trust me there is something to worry about its your reaction"

You:"Oh come on my reaction can't be that bad"

Jikook: "Yeah it can."

You: "Just tell me"

Jungkook: "Fine. Jimin you tell her"

Jimin: "Why me?"

Jungkook: "Cause I said so"

Jimin: "Aish. Fine. Me and Jungkook wanted to ask Yoongi of there was any good place that we could find a kid to adopt"

You were shocked You didn't expect it to be that

You: "Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! Your going to adopt a kid!"

You were going to burst of happiness and tears

Jungkook nodded

You: "When did you guys think of this are you sure your prepared"

Jungkook: "We've been thinking about this for a week now and we are prepared we just need to find a good company to adopt one in"

You than suddenly felt tears fall

You: "You guys are awesome I hope you get one"

They looked at eachother and went to you and  hug you and you hugged back

Jikook: "Thanks"

You: "No need to thank me you deserve it"

They both nodded 

And than you felt someone tap your shoulder You break the hug and look who it is

You:"Oh hi yoongi"

Yoongi: "Hi. What's going on here?"

You: "Oh uh"

You look over to them

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now