Assigned marriage to my bully! chapt.7

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☡cursing in this chapter☡

*Your P.O.V *

After school you started to walk home but them someone touch your shoulder

You look to who was touching your shoulder and it was yoongi's slut jisoo (Girl from Blackpink)

You: "WTF do you want"

Jisso: "WTF are you doing with my man yoongi he's mine and he's going to propose to me any time soon"

You: "Oh i guess he didn't tell you yet he is ALREADY GETTING MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE DUMB BITCH "

Jisso: "Who? I don't see anyone else and prettier than me"

You: "You mean as ugly as you. And it's to me. Listen I didn't want it to happen it was arranged by our parents oh and he kissed me so back off bi---"

You got cut off by Jisso slapping you in the face

You: "I know you just didn't"

Jisso: "I did and you better believe it "

This bitch really wants to start a fight with me. Your angry couldn't be helped and you pushed her and she kicked you and this whole fight became a whole conspiracy and everyone was around us watching it until yoongi's and his friends came

Jungkook and jin pulled us apart

Jungkook: "What's going on here"

You:"This bitch is picking a fight with me"

Yoongi: "Aish"

Jin: "why would she do that"

You: "cause she's afraid I'll steal yoongi from her"

Jungkook:"Alright everyone view is over"

Everyone started to walk away disappointed

Yoongi: " Well it's nothing she can do about it. It's assigned and I don't think you can change our mothers minds because they hold everything as if it's their mission"

You: "Exactly what I explained to her but i added the kiss part. And than she got all angry at me"


You: "Yeah it was the truth"


You: " can you let me go now so I can go home"

Jungkook let you go and you just walk home

*Yoongi's P.O.V *

Yoongi: "Really Jisso?" Just stop"

Jisso: "But I was trying to save you oppa from the horrible girl"

Yoongi: "I don't care what you were trying to do just don't do it again got it cause there is nothing you can do with the marriage got that"

Jisso looked at him with teary eyes and ran away

J-Hope: " Dang yoongi you could have let her down easier"

Yoongi: "How could have I done that? If I didn't do that it wouldn't have gone right through her head that she could still have me"

Jin: "Damn"

Jimin:"Any ways party at my house!"

Jungkook: "Yay"

You and everyone else went to party at jimins house

*Your P.O.V*

OMG did that actually happen there

You were now in your room and you realise that all your stuff is missing

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now