Assigned marriage to my bully chapt.16

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*Your P.O.V*

I enjoyed my classes today but something seems wrong with Suho and yoongi did something happen between them or something than you see yoongi running over to you

Yoongi: "Wait here I'll come back in a second"

You nod and with that he went back into the school and you decided to  play on your phone

*Yoongi's P.O.V*

I went back inside the school to find Suho and than I see him

You: "Hey new kid"

Suho: "the name is Suho"

You: "Whatever. I just want to say to keep your hands off my women"

Suho: "Your women? Oh you mean Y/N."

You:"Yeah. So keep your hands off of her"

Little did he know that she was already married to you

Suho: "Good luck with you being able to keep 'your Women'"

You: "Good luck stealing her from me cause even if you try to flirt with her I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't even pick it up"

Suho:" Wow such a way to speak of your girlfriend. But if that how you wanna play it let's see who Y/N wants to spend the rest of her life with"

You: "Okay let the game begin"

Suho just nods and I ran back to Y/N and she was just playing in her phone so you kiss her cheek

You: "Ready?"


And with that you both walked back to your house

Hopefully if he confesses his feelings for her Y/N won't say she is married to me because this actually seems fun to see if Y/N truly love me like she says she does

You both eventually get home and you both changed into something cozy she was wearing this

*Your P.O.V*

I wonder what yoongi had to do earlier but I just shake it off because whatever goes on in his life has nothing to do with me

You sit on the couch and yoongi seems lost in thought so you wake your hand in his face but no response so you stand in front of him and he still has no response so you kiss his cheek

Yoongi: "You missed"

You: "missed what?"

Yoongi: "My lips"

You just scoff and go back to where you were siting

You: "Are you okay? you seem off today"

Yoongi: "Do I? sorry"

What is he apologizing for?

You: "What are apologizing for?"

Yoongi: "For not giving you my full attention"

Seriously?! For attention the last thing in this world is to have attention on me

You: "The last thing I want is attention so it's fine"

Yoongi looked jungshook at your response to clarify

You: "What?"

Yoongi: "Nothing its just that you seem like the type that really wants attention"

You: "So you think of me as a slut basically "

Yoongi: "No. Cause if you were a slut you would have made out with me a long time ago"

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now