Assigned Marriage To My Bully chapt.3

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*Yoongi's P.O.V*

Wow just seeing her here in this moonlight it's just wow.... I slap my face forget it. Forget it. Nope not possible. Nuh uh not dreaming about that again

*your P.O.V. *

I hear a slap and look to where it came from and I saw yoongi slapping his face and I just started laughing .

Than he heard me and started walking over to me and I faced away.

You: "What do you want yoongi"

Yoongi: " I want you to accept the marriage"

You: "I already said no"

Yoongi: "But.... I say yes and besides if you keep on saying no i wont get my money"

You: "this is all about you getting your money isn't it "

I look to yoongi and yoongi just looked at me with sincerity

You: "What's that look for stob it"

Yoongi: "Why? You seem full if darkness and betrayal"

You: "Really? Me looking like that seriously? More like you looking like that all the time your the one who you shoves people out"

Yoongi: "Hey Atleast I have friends and I'm not the one who shoves people out your the one who says no to everything and wants to sit alone like a loner and a loser "

You: "Yeah well I do--"

You were cut off by yoongi kissing you on the lips and without realising it you were kissing back... yoongi breaks the kiss and both of you cover your mouths

You: "Yahhhh!!!! "

Yoongi: "Sorry I dont know what just came over me... NEVER SPEAK OF THIS TO ANYONE UNDERSTAND... you mind as well forget it to "

You: " How could I forget this You stole my first kissu "

Yoongi: "I said I was sorry and it's not like you were gonna have a first kiss anyways your a loner"

You just scoff

Yoongi: "So will you do the marriage"

You: "Fine if it gets you to leave me alone"

Yoongi: "Okay let's go"

You guys went back into the restaurant and sat back down

Mrs.Min: "So what do you say Y/N?"

You: " I'll do it"

Your mom: "Yay I'm so proud you made the right decision"

You just nod.

*Authors P.O.V*

Welp I know that this chapter was a bit short but like yeah

A question you should ask yourself

What was the actual reason that Y/N said yes to the marriage?

What was the actual reason that Yoongi agreed to the marriage?

Cause they both lied to themselves about their true feelings

And what will happen next?

Thank you

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now