Assigned marriage to my bully! Chapt .25

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Yoongi's P.O.V

I drove home with a bloody lip because of Jungkook when I got home of heard something wierd

I went to where the sound was coming from and I opened the door and I saw Irene fucking a guy

I slowly closed the door and started crying

You: "So this is what cheating feels like like shit I've done something really fucking bad "

You open the door again quickly and pulled the guy off of her

You: "Who are you?"

BamBam: "I'm BamBam Irene's boyfriend"

Irene: "Yoongi oh yoongi can't you see that I don't actually love you"

You: "What! Than why did you say it?"

Irene: "Cause I wanted to get back at her"

You: "What did she do to you She doesn't even know you"

Irene: "Oh yoongi she does she just lost her memory from back than listen I'm not demon and so is BamBam and she is a angel and when she was in our world she destroyed it"

You: "Angel's and demons what?"

Your P.O.V

Jungkook: "A long time ago you were a special little baby you were like Chay you had this power that when someone betrayed you or when you couldn't describe a wierd felling that you had deep inside you would have this glow when heaven would take control of you and you would have this extreme power to hurt the person that did wrong and did a sin that made you have those feelings...."

Jimin: "But only a few people are chosen to have this power "

You: "But how did you guys know about it?"

Jisoo: "You lost your memory when you were still young and the reason you only rembered me and yoongi and them because we are also angels"

You: "Wait so you are telling me kookie you and chim chim and yoongi are all angels does yoongi know?"

Jisoo: "No. Yoongi does not know "

You nod

Jimin: "However you are able to create miracles  too when you feel like someone is in need and you can't help but to help them you can use your powers to create a miracle"

Chayle: "So all of us are angels"

Jisoo nods

Chayle: "What about Mark oppa?"

Jisso: "Hes a demon but when I changed his life God forgave him and he became an angel too"

Chayle nods

Jimin: "Oh yeah we know who Irene actually is?"

You: "What?! So you guys knew her the whole time?!"

Jungkook: "Well you Y/N are the most powerful angel of all and the reason why even know her is because her and her boyfriend are demons and you destroyed there world so they came back for revenge"

You: "Wait how am I the strongest"

Jimin: "You are the princess you are royalty"

You: "I'm royalty?!"

They nod and then you hear a knock on the door

You: "I'll get it"

You go over the door and open it revealing yoongi

My Assigned Marriage To My Bully!! Suga FF Book 1Where stories live. Discover now