1: The First Day.

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"Everyone!!" Mr. Faye clapped, shushing the rowdy third years in mere seconds. They all stared up at me from their comically small desks, and I blushed meekly. "This is Y/N Y/L/N. She just transferred from {Enter Home Country}, and I expect you to treat her with respect and dignity. The entire class coursed a 'yes sir' before quickly burying their heads back into their text books.

That was...underwhelming.

I sat down into a tiny desk towards the back of the class, taking out a stack of textbooks taller than the desk itself. Mr. Faye looked across at me in shock. "Uh- Miss Y/L/N...Would you like to put some of them into your locker?" He grinned. I gave a small nod and blushed a bright pink.

"Sugawara!" He called. A tall, silver haired boy from the front of the class stood up. "Yes sir?" He sounded like a soldier talking to an army general, so I couldn't help but laugh. "Help Y/N take some of those books to her locker." Mr. Faye ordered. Without a seconds hesitation, Sugawara got out from the desk and walked down to the back of the classroom beside me. He picked up my bag and flung it around his shoulder, along with bending down to take half the stack of books. It looked inhumane.


I mumbled. His head snapped my direction and he gave a warm smile, like it was nothing to him "Sorry, did you say something?" He grinned from ear to ear, straightening his back and carrying the books with ease. "N-No." I stuttered nervously, shuffling my feet awkwardly. Sugawara shrugged and I picked up the rest of the books.

We walked down the school hall to a corner by the back of the school. I opened one of the empty lockers and neatly organised my books in it, with the help of Sugawara of course. We didn't talk much, only a few questions like "Where does this go?" or "Need me to do that?" However neither of us seemed to mind the silence that much.

I managed a small, awkward 'thank you' as I bent down to pick up my bag again. He swooped it up off of the ground before I could, with a cheeky grin. "Here. I'll carry it." He chuckled. "No no! Its fine I-I can manage its not even that heavy!" His eyes flashed with excitement at my small voice actually forming a decent sentence.

"Okay." He giggled. "If you can reach it."

He held the bag over my head and I desperately attempted to reach for it. Without saying anything, I backed up slowly. He opened his mouth to question me, but I let out a loud shout and ran for him, jumping into his chest and knocking him over. I grabbed my bag with a squeal and scurried back before anything got awkward, and we both lay on the ground in giggles.

We stood up, dusting ourselves off with smiles on our faces. I managed to hold a decent conversation with him about my old home. He told me about how he plays for the Karasuno high school's volleyball team, and how they got these amazing first years in this year. I'm not really into sports, but hearing him talk about it with such a goofy grin made me a lot more interested.

Sugawara paused in thought, looking over at me. His hazel eyes bore into me like pen against paper, I could nearly feel them on my skin "You really have a good jump, you should try be a spiker!" He said. I laughed and shook my head nervously. The thought of it made my hands shake slightly with fear. "N-No...It's fine. I'm not t-too good at sports." He shrugged it off with a laugh and before we knew it, we were a giggly mess standing at Mr. Faye's doorway.

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