Chapter 8: Jealousy

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this chapter is super short, but please don't complain because I updated two days in a row, the next chapter will be much longer I promise xx

Harry's POV

I look around trying to find Indy as Maddie rambles on about- well I don't really know to be honest, I haven't been paying much attention.


"Sorry, yeah I was listening." I lie.

"Don't, Harry." She laughs, "I know you weren't, but it's okay." She smiles.

"Something on your mind?" She asks.

Yeah my best friend will hardly look at me and now I have no idea where she is.

"Um yeah... I'll be back in a sec I'm just going to find Indy. Sorry Mads" I tell her standing up and giving her a hug goodbye as she nods.

I feel terrible for ditching Madison but I need o find Indy.

Where is she?

Just as I'm about to check the library I see her sitting about 40 metres away against a tree. Her eyes meet mine for not even a seconds, before she quickly looks away. What's going on with her? She's been off all morning and now she's sitting by herself. I hope she's not mad at me. Did I do something wrong? Probably...

I sling my bag over my shoulder and run over to her.

"Indy, there you are." I pant out of breath.

"Hi Harry." She replies flatly.

"What's up? Why are you sitting over here?" I ask, bending down to sit beside her as she shifts uncomfortably.

"I was studying." She lies, but I choose to ignore it figuring she won't tell me anyway.

I glance down at the apple in her hand and smile.

"Remember when we used to actually wear the stickers?" I chuckle, peeling the sticker from the apple and placing it on her hand. Her body stiffens as I gently smooth the sticker with my thumb.

"Yeah, I remember." She says quietly, still not looking at me. If this silence doesn't hurt, then I don't know what does. I can't stand this.

I don't know what's going on, but I need to find out.

"We should go to Starbucks this afternoon." I say surprising both her and myself.

I mean usually that would be the last place I'd go but I'm doing this for Indy's sake... I need to find out what's going on.

"Why don't you go with Madison." She mumbles under her breath.

What? Maddie?

Why would I- oh wait... She must have seen Madison and I together yesterday afternoon... but why didn't she say anything? That must be why she's been acting weird all morning. Is she jealous?

Indy jealous of Madison?

The thought is hard to believe and I nearly laugh at it, before recovering and focusing on the problem at hand.

If I hang out with Maddie more maybe, just maybe, I can make Indy jealous and then she might see something in me? I don't know, it's a pretty childish idea...

But it's worth a shot.

"Alright." I shrug.

Indy stares at me shocked and confused as I stand up and dust off my black jeans.

"Hey Maddie!" I call rushing over to her.

"Do you want to go to Starbucks with me today after school?" I ask her straight up.

"Starbucks?" she cocks an eyebrow and laughs.

"Um yeah.." I laugh nervously, embarrassed by how stupid this sounds.

"Well I'm busy today, but we could go tomorrow?" She suggests.

"Sounds great." I smile.

"I will meet you there at 4 yeah?" I ask to which she nods.

"4 it is." she smiles.

I can't help but compare this to the time I asked Indy to Nandos. But Maddie is nothing like Indy. And she never will be. I sorta feel like a dick for using Maddie to get to Indy and leading her on... well I'm not exactly leading her on but I still feel bad, I don't want her getting the wrong idea.

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