Chapter 1: Friends

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just to let you know this was my first fanfic so the writing sort of sucks for the first few chapters, but it gets better I promise haha

please remember to vote / comment! x

Chapter 1

Indy's POV

I look up at the tall figure I had just crashed into,"Harry! I've been looking everywhere for you! If you don't get to class now Mr Anderson will give you a detention for sure!" I warn, looking into his eyes that were made up of at least four or five different shades of green.

"Crap, I know! Sorry Inds, I couldn't find my car keys and-"

"Less chit-chat more walking!" I cut him off, dragging him by his upper arm towards class.

"Mr Anderson thinks I've gone to the toilet, so it will look kind of suspicious if we walk in together..." I explain, letting go of his arm right before we reached the door of the class room.

"Right." He nods, "I'll go in first then, I don't want to be even more late then I already am."


"Since when did you start using big words?" He smirks at me.

"Styles, shut the hell up and get in that class room before you get another detention!" I warn, pushing him in the direction of the blue classroom door.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Harry raises his arms in surrender, opening the door to the classroom.

When I don't hear any yelling, I figure Harry had probably made up some excuse and gotten away with it. I wait a few more seconds to be safe, before entering the class myself and taking my seat.

As I sit down, I notice Harry already has his book out and is copying the questions down from the board, with the upmost concentration. He's such a geek sometimes, though he tried to deny it.

After another half an hour of listening to Mr Anderson ramble about Romeo and Juliet, the bell final rang, saving me from anymore of his horrible torture. I didn't hesitate to shove everything in my bag and race out the door, waiting for Harry against the wall.

"Productive lesson Einstein?" I tease as Harry walks out the door. He's such a geek sometimes.

"For some of us." He smirks.

"Well aren't you just hilarious?" I reply sarcastically.

"Mhmm, very."

I rub his shaggy head of hair before quickly turning on my heel, sprinting down the hall in the opposite direction. He hates it when anyone touches his 'precious hair'.

"You are a dead women." He calls, chasing behind me.

It wasn't long before he finally caught up to me, wrapping his long arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground.

"Put me down!" I scream, kicking my legs, struggling to escape his tight grip. But he still didn't budge, instead his grip tighter.

"Harry!" I whine.

"Okay, okay fine." He surrendered placing me back on my feet.

"Not funny." I say, swatting his arm.

"No actually, I found that quite entertaining" He replies, that infamous smirk of his making it's way to his lips.

"Well that makes one of us." I mumble.

Okay, so maybe it was a little funny but there was no way I was telling him that. I couldn't let him win this fight.

"You guys are so cute! How long have you been dating again?" I turn around to see Hannah, a girl in my chemistry class, standing behind Harry and I. She asked me this nearly every day even though she already knew the answer.

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