Chapter 20: 4am Adventures

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"Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked groggily, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness. One minutes I was fast asleep, and the next I was being poked in the shoulder. My eyelids felt heavy and my body was pretty much glued to my bed. What on earth was he doing here in the middle of the night? Idiot.

"Sh sh sh, it's okay." Harry whispered, gently placing his finger to my lips, "Put on a jumper and come with me."

I glanced at the clock next to my bed, looking the time. Really? "Harry, what the heck? It's 4am. Go home." I replied with a quiet groan, pulling his finger from my lips.

"Come on, Inds." He begged, looking into my eyes through the dark. "Trust me, okay?"

I looked at him hesitantly for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep now anyway. "Okay, Styles." I nodded reluctantly, giving in to whatever he was up to. This better be worth missing out on sleep or he is going to get it I swear.

I slothfully crawled out of bed, slipping on my shoes and grabbing the Mickey Mouse jumper Harry gave me for Christmas.

Harry grabbed my hand gently, dragging my tired, half asleep, body down the stairs and out the door.

Once we had finally made it to the car, Harry had to put my seatbelt on for me like a three year old because in my half-asleep state, I apparently couldn't perform simple tasks like buckling a seat belt.

"At least tell me where we're going H." I begged, shutting my eyes and leaning back against the head rest.

"I'll tell you before we arrive, I promise. But it's going to be an hour trip, so for now I suggest you get some sleep." Harry said as he started the car, pulling away from my house.

"I wouldn't need any if Mr-Mysterious over her hadn't woken me up at the crack of dawn." I replied sarcastically, glaring at him from the passenger seat.

"It'll be worth it, trust me. I'll wake you up when we're close." He promised. I didn't bother arguing. I was still half asleep and all I really wanted to do right now was go back to sleep for as long as possible.



Harry's POV

I had drunk two cups of coffee before I drove to Indy's house to pick her up, and even then I still felt ridiculously tired. I really hoped this plan of mine worked out or this would be a waste of time, sleep and not to mention a bit awkward. I sighed and stole a quick glance at Indy. She had her eyes closed, her body tucked into a ball as she leaned her head against the car door like an adorable three year old (in a totally not creepy way). Her hair was still a complete mess and whilst she was still naturally beautiful, she honesty didn't look perfect. Not even close. Her tousled hair and the light drip of saliva slowly making its way from her mouth definitely did not make her look in anyway 'attractive'; and that's why I loved the way she looked right now. She looked just like a normal person: she looked so raw and natural. Indy didn't look like some celebrity model straight from the runway, in fact she looked quite the opposite. I loved it. I loved that she was beautiful with out having to be over the top stunning with flawless features. I was so ridiculously in love with her. I smiled and shook my head.

I hate that she doesn't love me, I absolutely hate it. No one quite understands just how hard it is to love someone so deeply for so long and not have them love you back. It's even worse because I have to hide my feelings. All those times I lay in bed, pathetically making up scenarios of what would happen if we were together. There's been a few times where I thought I made it fairly obvious, but I don't think she's ever caught on. It's torture to be around her all the time and not steal kisses from her and tell her I love and that she's beautiful. It hurts like a blow to the head. The one thing I should be grateful for though, I guess, is that even if she isn't in love with me, she still loves me. I can still laugh with her and talk with her while knowing she's having a good times and enjoying my company. She loves me, even if it isn't in the same way I love her.

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