Chapter 9: Mistake

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another short update :((

I think I will just start writing shorter chapters, but update more regularly :) xo

Harry's POV

I sat at a table in Starbucks, moving a plastic straw around in my hands. Waiting for Maddie is certainly not my definition of fun. Especially when I originally wanted to go with Indy. Speaking of her, she hasn't even spoken to me since yesterday, just because I'm hanging out with Maddie. I know that I purposely made her jealous but that's only because it was kinda cute. I didn't want her to go all rage on me and ignore me.

My point is, it's not that big of a deal...

I turn on my phone checking the time:


Where the hell is she? I didn't really think this through, because to be honest I have no idea what I'm going to do or say when she arrives. I did this in the spur of the moment to make Indy jealous, but I could have just pretended to ask Maddie. Not having Indy here to witness it sort of defeats the purpose anyway...

"Hi Harry!" Madison greets me cheerfully, pulling me from my trailing thoughts.

Well it's about time.

"Maddie, hey." I relpy as she takes a seat opposite me.

"Sorry I'm late, I'm still having trouble finding things." She explains.

"It's okay, I haven't been waiting long." I lie, I don't want to make her feel bad.

"So um... how are you?" I ask awkwardly.

"I'm good, thanks." She smiles warmly.

Just as I contemplate asking her if we should go order our drinks, the bell of the front door rings.

I glance towards the door and nearly choke, as the last person I expect to see walks towards the counter.

Indy's POV

He didn't even make an effort to talk to me yesterday. He didn't say hello, or ask if I was walking, or even sit with me at lunch.


I thought being his best friend for nine years was more important than hanging out with the new girl, but apparently not. Why would he ditch me for her? I have no one else. Harry is literally my only friend and he knows it, yet he seems to think that Madison is better company. Not only that, but he invited her to his house, and didn't even tell me. Do I not deserve to know? .

Harry had asked Madison to go with him to Starbucks yesterday, so hopefully if go today I won't run into the two of them. I'd rather avoid Harry at this point, seeing as he doesn't want anything to do with me anyway.

I walked through the door and made my way towards the counter. Just as I finish ordering my usual Raspberry Cheesecake frappe (minus cream), my eyes land on none other than Harry and Madison, sitting in the far back corner of the room. Without a second thought, I quickly turn and exit straight out of the store. The last thing I need is for them to see me, and I honestly don't want to be there whilst they talk and laugh together.

My old converse pound quietly against the concrete as I walk down the cracked path.

"Indy, wait!" An all too familiar voice calls. Everything tells me to ignore him and just keep walking; what could he possible want? But my body betrayed me when I turn to face him. In his large hands he holds my drink. "You forgot your order."

Really? Of all the things he could be saying, he's telling me I left my drink behind? I don't know what I had expected him to say, but this wasn't it. A small part of me desperately hoped that he would tell me he was sorry. He was sorry for ignoring me, and doing things behind my back. That he would rather hang out with me anyway: anything. But that small part of me was foolish for thinking he would.

"How do you know it's mine?" I ask, staring at my drink.

"Inds, I've been your best friend for 9 years, I think I'd know what you order by now. Raspberry Cheesecake frappe without cream " He replies with a grin.

"Why don't you go back and sit with your new best friend." I mumble quietly under my breath.

"So you did see us then?" He asks with that damn smirk across his face.

"Whatever.. Why are you with her anyway?"

"You told me to." He shrugs, his smirk yet to disappear. I almost forgot that I was the one that suggested he asked Madison in the first place... of course I didn't mean for him to actually do it.

"I didn't mean it." I sigh raking a hand through my hair. "I only said it because I was pissed." I mutter quietly.

"Why were you pissed? I though you said it was 'nothing'?"

Because I was jealous.

"It doesn't matter now. Just go back so you can suck faces with Madison." I reply coldly.

Harry's POV

"It doesn't matter now. Just go back so you can suck faces with Madison."

Suck faces with Madison? What the actual fuck. Is that what she thinks?

Wait, isn't that what I want her to think? You know, to make her jealous...

Ugh who cares, fuck it.

"Indy, you know full well that there is nothing going on between us." I say, raising my voice slightly. "And even if there was why would you care? Mind your own damn business. You're overreacting just because I'm your only friend and you can't stand being alone. You have no one with out me, but guess what? I still have a life with out you. I have other friends. I don't fucking need you." I spit coldly.

I feel the drink between my hands snatched away, before the cold sticky liquid pours over my head.

"Fuck you Harry. I hate you, you know? I really do."

What the hell did I just do?


"Indy wait!" I call loudly chasing behind her, but she doesn't turn around. I don't blame her.

I shouldn't have said that. I didn't even mean it. Well, some of it was true, but not for the most part. Of course I fucking need her. I've always needed Indy.

As soon as I catch up to her I grab her wrist forcing her to turn around. "Inds, I-"

When she looks up to meet my gaze I notice her cheeks are streamed with tears and her hazel eyes are glossy and slightly red.

"Don't Harry. Just don't" she says before quickly wriggling out of my grip and running away.

I should've chased her. I should have ran and ran until I was out of breath and my legs ached. I should've told her I was sorry and that I didn't mean it; any of it.

But I didn't. I just stayed there, covered in raspberry cheesecake frappe, staring at the corner Indy had disappeared behind.

I didn't even mean to say most of that. I was just annoyed that she honestly thought there was something going on between Madison and I. That I would really 'suck faces' with her. I was only ever meant to make her jealous, not be a complete dick to her. I was supposed to make her fall for me, the way I have for her.

But instead I've done the opposite.

Indy hates me.


I don't know f I like how this chapter turned out tbh ://

It's a bit extreme

So basically Harry has been with Maddie and ignoring Indy to make her jealous, but he just got sorta confused by everything and lost it and said bad stuff and yeahhh


please comment your honest thoughts ((you can say if you don't like it, but I don't appreciate hate, thanks))



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