Chapter 7: Cold Shoulder

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Indy's POV

Jealousy burns through my body as I turn around heading the opposite direction. Clearly he already has important company and I wouldn't want to interrupt now would I? He didn't even have the decency to tell me they were hanging out after school. Is he trying to hide this? Is there something going on between the two of them? Sure looks like it.

Why were they at his house?

Harry and Madison have been spending a lot of time together lately, but I didn't expect this to be the reason. I didn't expect them to actually be together. Why had Harry not told me?

What does he even see in her? I mean I know she's pretty, far prettier than me and probably half the girls in our class, but was that it? Is it because they're both from Wosteshire? I doubt that...

It seems to me they were having a great time sitting their laughing together. But then again, maybe they're not actually 'together'. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions...

Either way, I don't understand why Harry hadn't told me about this or why they were even hanging out in the first place. Why did he keep it a secret?

"You're back early." my mum calls as I walk through the door.

Yeah, he had company.

"Um yeah, he wasn't home." I lie taking off my jacket now that I'm no longer outside, in the icy wind.

"Well we were just about to have dinner. I'll serve it up now." she smiles. I nod, following her into the dining room and taking aseat.

After dinner and a warm shower, I crawl into bed and switch off my light. The warmth of my thick covers make my eyes heavy, and before I know it I've drifted off into unconsciousness.

* * *

"Hey Inds." Harry smiles as I take my seat next to him. If I had a choice I would sit somewhere else, but we have a seating arrangement for English so I guess I'm stuck here.

"Hi." I mumble quietly pulling out my book and pen.

"Is everything okay?" He questions peering into my eyes. I can't look into them or I'll be lured into his trap. He was with Madison and didn't even think to mention it.

"Fine." I reply coldly, turning my attention to the front of the classroom.

"Indy, it's obviously not 'fine'. Seriously, what's wrong?" he asks as I look down at my lap, remaining silent.

"Look at me." he begs, putting his fingers under my chin and lifting it to meet his gaze. I'm immediately lured by his emerald eyes as I try to shift my gaze. But I can't. My eyes remain glued to his, despite my subconscious telling me to look away.

"What's wrong Inds?" he questions again, his voice laced with concern. I don't know why he's making such a big deal out of this.

"I said I'm fine." I snap, turning to face the board. He doesn't reply, instead breathing a surrendered sigh and pulling out his own book and pen.

By the time lunch arrives, I've already made the decision to avoid Harry. He's got Madison to hang out with anyway.

I sit about forty or so metres from our usual spot, but its enough to see Harry and Madison from here. They're talking and laughing, Harry continuously looking around as if he's searching for something. I take a bite of my apple and I'm reminded of how Harry and I used to wear the apple stickers on our hands in eighth grade, just for something to do. The thought makes me smile but is soon replaced when I look up to see Harry give Madison a hug. Nice too see their new buddying romance. He says something to her and she nods in response as he rises from his seat under the tree. Harry turns around and walks away, appearing to still be in search for whatever it is he's been looking for.

Just as I'm about to take another bite of my apple, his eyes lock with mine. I quickly look away but it's too late. He slings his bag loosely over his shoulder and jogs over to me.

"Indy", there you are."

"Hi Harry." I reply flatly.

"What's up? Why are you sitting over here?" he asks, bending down to sit beside me. He brings his knees up to his chest, his arms slung around them.

"I was studying." I lie, moving my apple around in my hands.

Harry glances down at it, "Remember when we used to actually wear the stickers?" he chuckles, his dimples growing deeper. Of course he remembers. He peels the sticker from the apple and places it on my hand, gently smoothing it with his thumb.

"Yeah, I remember." I say quietly, my voice lacking any sort of emotion.

Harry looks at me and smiles, "We should go to Starbucks this afternoon." he says randomly. What? If I wasn't mad at him, I would tease him for suggesting such a thing and call him a typical white girl. We would laugh for a while before I finally agreed seeing as it is one of my favourite places. But I am mad at him...

"Why don't you go with Madison." I mumble under my breath, rolling my eyes. He stares at me confused for a few seconds before his expression suddenly changes. 'Alright." he shrugs, a smile spreading across his face.


He can't be serious, but somehow I know he is...

"Hey Maddie!" He calls, getting up and heading in her direction.

Maddie? Oh so now he's given her a nickname too. Of course he has.

He races back over to her and I assume he must've asked as I watch her nod and smile.

hmm boring chapter *sigh* but its leading up to something so there's not much I can do

Thank you everyone so so much for reading!! I can't believe ffs reached 500 reads! That's insane!

I will try update more often now that I'm no longer on holiday, maybe twice a week if I can :))

Adios amigos

~b xx

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