Chapter 11: Apologies

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I have no idea how that gif got there but it will literally not go away...

2 updates in less than 2 days, is there like a prize for that?

Indy's POV

"Indy! There's a guy named Jake at the door, says he's here to see you?"

Jake? I don't know what he's doing here or how he found out where I live, but I figure he probably just wants to take me to that stupid party he kept talking about at lunch.

"Oh um, okay thanks.' I smiled at my mum, hopping off the bed to make my way downstairs.

"I'm just heading out to the shops, I'll be home soon. Will you be okay with Jake?" She asked, her bag in hand ready to go.

"Yeah, that's fine." I nodded walking to the door whilst my mum walked into the kitchen.

I stepped out side the door so I was standing on the front porch.

"Hi Jake, um- what are you doing here?" I asked wearily, trying not to sound to awkward.

He smiled gently, chuckling lightly. "I just came to see if you wanted to hang out, thought you could use some company?"

Before I could reply my mum walked through the door, heading towards her car.

"See you Indy, I'll be back soon." she called behind her.

"Okay, bye." I waved her off as she got into her car, pulling out of the drive way. I turned back to Jake starting feel slightly more uncomfortable now that it was just the two of us.

"Um, thanks Jake, but I have school work to do and stuff like that. Maybe another time?" I smiled.

He took a step closer to me as my breath hitched in my throat.

"Aw, I was really hoping we could spend some time together." he smirked leaning in a little.

I took an uncomfortable step backwards suddenly becoming extremely nervous. "Um yeah well maybe not right now, I'll see you later." I forced a smile trying to shut the door but his foot blocked it as he took a step closer. Before I had time to react, he grabbed the sides of my face with his hands, firmly pressing his lips onto mine.


Harry's POV

I miss her so damn much it physically hurts.

I miss her laugh and her smile, and the way she would push her hair away from her face every few minutes. I miss her making fun of me in class and calling me a geek while I worked. I miss seeing her wear that Micky Mouse sweater I bought her, which she practically drowned in because of its size. I miss her morning hugs and our movie nights. I even miss the sound of her light snoring at 2am after we would finish the last movie. I miss her sarcastic and teasing remarks and the sound of her laughter when I shot one back at her. I miss her presence and the feeling of having her around. I miss not being able to look at her and admire her, as creepy as that sounds. And I know I've said it already but I'll say it again, I just really, really miss her smile. God, I miss her smile. And I miss being the one to make her smile. I just miss her in general. Without her I feel like I'm missing a part of my life. A big part of it. Even though it makes me sound like a cheese-ball, its true and I'm not putting up with this anymore.

I don't care if she's ignoring my calls or sitting with fucking Jake Walker at lunch. She is my best friend, and I will not let some stupid fight come in the way of that. We've worked to damn hard for this just to give it up now (slsp reference oops). I'm not throwing away nine years of us just because I messed up.

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