Takeout food and a bloody nose

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~Jen's POV

"Great concert guys..." I said trying to not make things awkward while we sat in Liam's flat eating takeout.

"Yeah..." Louis muttered so it was barely audible. You could cut the tension with a knife in this room. I was I between Harry and Liam on the couch, and Louis on the loveseat across from us while Niall sat on the floor with Zayn whilst throwing food at eachother. Harry put his arm around me and I snuggled into it, I happened to notice that Louis was shooting daggers at him. But what was so important that he was going to do at the concert on our anneversary...besides CHEATING...

"Hey Jen...do you want to meet Danielle tomorrow? She's going to be staying here for a few days and I thought you could use some girl time..." Liam said. I have always wanted to meet dani, they seem so in love! I nodded eagerly but Lou says," why would she need girl time Liam? What would she have to talk about to a girl that she can't talk about to us?!" he was starting to seeth...not a turn on. Harry's grip tightened.

"Oh...-" Liam started but I interrupted because I was fed up with Louis.

"-Oh you know, shoes, makeup, clothes, boys, and I could talk about pmsing but I obviously could talk to you about that Lou because you seem to have a period all the time!!" I was shouting and they all had shocked faces. I stood up and walked to my flat which was the floor above, I can hear them in the vent. Cool, I wanted to hear this.

"Lou, you really messed up." Zayn said

"I GET IT OKAY! I know what I did was wrong, I really just want to go back and fix it..." Louis said.

"OKAY I CAN HEAR YOU THROUGH THE VENTS YOURE THAT LOUD IM TRYING TO GO TO SLEEP AND ALSO LOUIS YOU WEREN'T EVEN DRUNK THERE'S NO EXCUSE, AND THERE'S SURE AS HELL NO GOING BACK!!!" I screamed into the vent. I heard someone down there start to cry, and I could hear Liam trying to calm down Louis. But I would never forget what I heard next.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT HARRY! SHE LOVES YOU AND YOU CAME IN WHEN SHE FINALLY LOVED ME TOO! YOU ALWAYS GET THE GIRLS!" Lou screamed and I heard a big collision noise and a thud. I ran down the steps with puffy eyes and messed up hair from crying while listening, to find Louis red and pissed in a corner, and Harry on the ground with a bloody nose.

"Oh...hi Jen..." Harry said while trying to smile at me.

"She looks horrid..." Lou whispered to Zayn.

"She was crying you douche!" he whispered back.

"Way to make me feel good about myself Lou..." I said to myself but they all had heard me.

"Jen can we talk?" I expected it to be Louis, but low and behold it was Harry who wanted to talk. I guess I'll find out where we stand...

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