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A/N Ok so this is just a short bit of some conversations Lily hears whilest she is unconciouss for 2 weeks.

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Lily's POV.

It was dark too dark. Was i dead? Had i bled too much?

What would Damon and Kale think? Would they think i was crazy? Mad?

Would Laura ever forgive herself?

All these questions ran through my mind as my only sense left, Hearing, came back.

My hearing was the only thing that kept me sane whilest my other senses were dead or asleep?

"Has it worked?"

"Try harder I-"

"You knew!?"

"Leave Rayne!"

Who was Rayne? I had never heard of him beofre.

"Give it to -"

"Dont touch h-"

"Give her time..."

"I'm sorry-"

"It's worked!"

"She lives?!"

"I saved her-" I hadnt heard that voice before. It was deep and masculine with a heavey accent. African?

There was silence for a very long time as hours flew by. But the hands clutching mine never left.

"Are you sure-"

"You ok?"

"You cant stay-"

"-Much longer or-"

"A letter from-"

"Give it to me!"

"Ice cream!?"

"Do i look like a penguin to you!?"

Hahaa cream...penguins....

"This is no time for jokes!" That voice sounded familiar...?

"Come hun, leave her, you need to go and feed-"



"It's been too long..."

"I cant leave her."


"No! No father!"

"She is.."



What on earth was a Dhampir?! I was...? What!?


"You need to go!"


"Damon, Kale!"

"Do what your mother says!"

"I cant-"




"I need her Damon. I cant-"

"Kale please! She'll be ok, just go!"




"I will dont worry..."


I felt a hand leave mine, the one my heart ached to...the one my head said i should love cradled me in their arms...

"I'm sorry...lily..."

"I should have warned you-"

"I miss you..."

I wanted to open my eyes and tell him it was ok, that i was fine, but i couldnt muster up enough strength...

I need to rest.....


Love? What good is that? I t cant soothe pain....

"Rayne, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see-"

Rayne...? hmmm....

I felt a stab of pain as something entered my mind.



Love Lil Lii


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