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A/N Hey guys! Thank you so much for your comments and votes! Please remeber to check out Diary of a LoZer!

Lilys POV.

I hit his chest so hard i stumbled backward but he caught my waist pulling me up to him pressing himself against me.

"Uhm...i was...just..taking a....strole?" I laughed nervously but inside i mentally slapped myself.

Way to go! Who uses the word Strole these days anyway? Jeez...

"No problem." I sighed in reliefe but he didnt remove his tight hold on me.

I wiggled in his grasp trying to free myself without looking to desperate to be free.

"Uhm...?" I mumbled looking up at him.

He was Hot i had to give it to him. He looked to be African with a frizy untidy (but in a cool way.) afro. Glassy amber eyes that seemed to swirl around.

He smiled at me not a smirk but a genuine smile. I couldnt help smile back. He was just so...Nice!?

His pearly white teeth glinted when they caught the evening's sun.

I could feel myself blushing a deep red.

Was i feeling attracted to this Vampire?

No i couldnt i would mess up the entire prophesy!

I tried to free myself again but failed i looked back into his gorgeouse eyes now tinted slightly red with lust.

He looked me up and down be for bending down slightly i closed my eyes on reflex as he bent down to kiss me.

His lips tasted sugary and sweet but not too much. I peeled open my eyes and stared at his smirk.

So much for sweet smile. I sighed. I knew what was coming next.

The bite.

The drawing out of my own blood.

The slurping sickening sound.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as he bent down to my neck.


Life with Vampires is so hard even if i may be half one.



WAIT! I am half one! He cant drink my blood can he? i mean his blood? I dont know!

All this was going through my head causing me to nearly blackout.

I hadnt realised i was in his arms and being layed on an unfirmialiar bed....

I felt myself get hot all over when he brushed his lips against mine again.

Was this love and affection i was feeling? From him?

ok yah you might have known now what the twist is. LOL tell me on comments and i'll tell ya if your right!

Love Lil Lii


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