I was cold blooded!?

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Cold Blooded.

Lily's POV.

"You need to explain." I said in a shaky voice looking up at him.

"I will, but i need time...." Damon said

"No! You need to explain now! I'm sick of having to listen to parts of conversations about me!" I yelled.

He flinched at my sudden strong voice. I felt my heart drop to my feet. I didnt want him to feel bad! but...

"No, i'm sorry...I..i.." I said.

"No, your right. We should tell you whats going on." He said firmly.

I just fiddled with the hem of my school shirt. Funny....I was still in my school uniform in some guys...bed? hahaaa weird.

"Well...It's extremley complicated." He sighed.

"I dont think i'll be moving anytime soon." I smiled.

"Ok, Well. When you were 11, we were like, well, best friends."

I looked up in confusion and was about to object when,

"No, you wont rememeber, just listen."

"So, yea we were mates. I was a vampire." He stopped as if waiting for my reaction, like maybe laugh or punch him and run away.

But somehow i knew he was telling the truth.

He cocked his head at me then continued.

"Um,,and got a bit close, oh you were human by the way. And well i ......bit...you."

I gasped but he carried on. "So, yer i bit you. You obviously became a vampire aswell, and well you didnt take it too well." He looked like he waqs in pain.

I automatically reached out to stroke caress his cold cheek but he flinched away at the touch and sighed.

I pulled back slowly and he began again.

"You wouldnt take the blood, you didnt accept yourself as a vampire. You locked yourself in your room...away from the world...." He gazed at me with pure pity

before carring on.

"Of course the tow was taking place. If you didnt drink blood you went haywire. Mad. I found you later that week on your bathroom floor. And 11 yr old covered in blood. Still bleeding. I had to stop myself from taking a bite. But again you were a vampire. But thats when i realised it wasnt JUST your blood.

I looked down and saw..........." He paused tears roling down his cheek, he pressed me against his body.

"You.....and your...parents....they were dead. Drained of blood. A mixture of yours and your parents blood was all over the floor, but i saw it.

the words. VAMPIRE RED. Like your drawing. Your dreams. Your remembering. Some force is making you remeber on purpose. Stalking your bones giving you the chills."

He shivered himself. I didnt realise I was crying untill Damon looked down and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry, If i hadnt come it would have been your sister aswell." He said shaking his head.

"Laura?" I had finaly found my voice and i was surprised it sounded so strong.

"Yes. Im so sorry! I thought i was ready to have a vampire friend i thought i could handle it....but you hated me....I caused you so much pain.....

It was all my fault!" He was sobbing hard now.

I reached up and pulled his head down to mine so i could see his eyes. This time he didnt flinch at our skin connection.

"Dont blame your self. Why cant i remeber anything? apart from the dreams and drawing?" I asked.

"Well, this is the part i want to kill them for. the high vampire council, they were angry at me for 'Underage Bitting'-" I laughed at that and looked up but Damon wasnt he looked solemny at me.

"0h, What did they do to me....and you?" I asked.

"well i got punished and banished from seeing you. You got your memory removed-" He hissed

"And your vampirism, But it was for the best." He sighed and looked deep into my eyes.

"You beleive me dont you?" He asked.

"Yes. I do. I just feel I know your telling the truth. and with all the evidence,, the dreams...Hey why do i have the same dream?" I asked curious.

"Arent you more upset about the fact that you killed your parents!?" he yelled.

I stared at him blankly. I mean of course i cared. But i wasnt me right? I am long over the loss now. All i can remmeber is me and Laura from the start.

He saw my face and said sorry.

"You have the same SCENE every night because something or rather someone, with a great deal of power, is trying to get you to remember and me to turn you again." He said with a lot of thought.

"Why do i like you?" I suddenly blurted out.

He chuckled happily as if we never had this conversation.

"Because i'm handsome, attractive, Loyal, drop dead gorgeous..."

I cut him off, "Yer but i do feel something deeper." I said if pondering my own statment.

"Um...yer..were bonded....were not claimed but we have something deeper. I gave myself to you. Do you no how much hurt it gave me to see your face when you didnt recognise me?" He asked looking at the wall again.

"Hmmm...whats a Bond or Bonded?" I asked.

"Well,-" He went all red and shy i had to stiffle a giggle.

"It's when to Vampires......Like eachother ALOT. For example, the male will bite her and she will have to beclaimed or others may take her." He said in a rush.

"What do they have to do to claim eachother?" I asked intrested, Wow Damon meant alot more to me than i thought.

He shuffled uneasily. "Damon?" I asked concerned.

"Theyclaimeacotherbyproclaimingtheirlovebymakinglove." He said all in one breathe quietly.

"What? Damon say it propaly!" I giggled at his shyness. I think i might already know the answer.

"THEY HAVE sex! " He yelled and then chocked.

WOW! Umm its a good job he didnt claim me then....other wise there would be to 'Underage' things he had done.....

Love Lil Lii



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