First day

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Your Pov

My mom said I sucked at math, so this is where I am now. At this school. I stepped inside the building and wait for someone or something to show up. I decided to wait in the classroom instead, I looked through the two blue door that had a number "99" on 'em. I went one of them and saw that the class was empty. 'This school really seems busy." I sat at a random desk and lay my backpack down. I looked up the chalkboard that's written "Math= math math math math..."
This is going to be interesting. 5 minutes have passed and I decided I should sleep a little.. I know I shouldn't have but I'm tired asf..

*bell rings*

I jolted myself up and flailed my arms crazily. I heard a door open behind me and saw a tall male wearing blue jeans and green sweater, he was also bald, too. He came to his teacher desk and placed his math books there.

"Next time, do NOT ever sleep in my class, or else..". He threatened, I give a poker face.
He clears his throat and starts to introduce himself.
"I am Mr. Baldi and today, you're going to learn your basics, starting off with everybody's favorite subject, mathhh."
Oof, I'm the only student here, should I call the FBI?

Baldi starts writing down the problems onto the board with a chalkboard.
"Answer the three questions correctly and you might get something special, raise your hand when you think you have the right answer, don't be shy, I am always willing to help if you ever get stuck, but I'm pretty sure you can answer these without my help."

The chalk board read:
3 + 5 =
0 - 2 =
7 - 7 =

I raised my hand slowly.
"U-um, sir? It's 8, -2 and 0."
"Great job, that's right!"
Mr. Baldi gave me a bright smile like I'm too smart for this.
"You did great, here's your prize like I promised, a shiny quarter!" He came towards to my desk and handed me good looking quarter.
"This is amazing, I've always wanted a quarter, thanks Baldi!"
His expression turned into slight frowns face.
"Don't call me that, I'm a teacher so call me Mr. Baldi.." He said in a weird mono-tone voice..

"Also, keep up the good work, or see me after class. Do not be late for tomorrow, there will be more math questions waiting for you." He said and dismissed the class, the bell rang and I knew it's time for me to go. I don't why but this teacher seemed.. strange..

Authors note

I was cringing while writing this chapter, oh well. I might continue this book if you like it so ye. I know it's short because I'm lazy asf ok bye.

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