Annoying student

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No ones Pov

You woke up to sound of your alarm clock, you annoyingly slam your fists at it to turn it off and get up to your restroom. "Monday already.. fml.." you said to yourself in tiredness. As you finished doing your usual daily routine. You started to remember that F/m would be here, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad now that the both of you had each other to keep you company. You started to head out to your school and went inside your classroom. You already did your homework Mr. Baldi had gave you so you shouldn't be worried. Although the questions were too easy for you. You waited patiently for Mr. Baldi to come, knowing that you're too early but you still waited, not wanting to see him getting mad at you for being late again, since he's really bipolar.
'I hope really F/m would be here..' you said in your head while waiting.


F/m had entered the building and looked around inside the school.
"Y/n was right, it really was quiet and empty in here.." F/n had said to itself and started heading to where they wanted to sign up for the school, but was suddenly bumped into a tall man. F/n looked up and saw him.

"Oh, hi. Welcome to my schoolhouse!" He said energetically and waved F/n.
"H-hi." F/m said nervously.

"If your name is F/n, then you must be my new student! I'm Mr. Baldi, Your new math teacher! You're in a for a treat kiddo." He said smiling at F/n.

"Oh, awesome.. and I know you're
Baldi because of your bald head.." F/n smirked after saying that. Baldi's smile turned into a frown, making F/n gulped, instantly regretting it.

"F/n, that was very disrespectful, I wouldn't say that to your teacher if I were you. You should really apologize to your teacher now.." Baldi said, pulling out his ruler from his pocket.
F/n quickly noticed that and apologized Baldi for being rude. Baldi sighed and reversed his ruler back into his pocket because logic.
Baldi chuckles and patted F/n's head.
F/n would never what he used that ruler for.
"You must be one of Miss Y/n's friends, correct?" Baldi suddenly spoke, trying to make the conversation less weird.

"Y-yes! And how did you know that..?"
F/n said in curiosity.
"Oh F/n, I know a lot of things.."

Baldi spoke a bit bitterly at the last word. A tiny drop of sweat can be seen through F/n's forehead. Baldi quickly noticed that and started laughing, making F/n laugh nervously as well.

"I'm just joking to ya kid. If you're looking for a school sign up form, oopsie, there isn't one, students can come into my schoolhouse anytime."
F/n looked at Mr. Baldi weirdly but shrugged it off since he seemed so happy that a new student had approached to him.

"Sooo, can I be your student?" F/n said in hopes of finding Y/n.

"Yes, yes of course. If you aren't aware, I'm the only teacher here in this school and I teach the only subject, math."
F/n was disappointed by his reply. This school wasn't like any other school.
"Uhh yeah I know, where's the classroom?"

"To the blue door on the left that says 99, go on, Y/n is waiting for you and I have some lessons to teach for you both."

Baldi said to F/n who looks a little freaked out but F/n made their way to the classroom and was relieved when it saw Y/n. Y/n looked up and saw her friend, F/n and started gesturing to seat next to her.

"Omg you made it!" Y/n said hugging F/n, while F/n was hugging her back.
"I'm glad I could." They soon both break the hug when they saw Mr. Baldi glaring at the two of them.

"Now it isn't the time to do something like this when I'm bout to give you a lesson. This your first day F/n and it already looked like a disaster, I am very disappointed in you, I thought you would be a good student like Y/n but oh how wrong I am."

F/n smiled nervously and convinced Baldi that they would do their best next time. Baldi sighed and picked up the chalk and started jotting down math questions on the chalk board.

"Answer the three questions correctly and you might get something special, that means I'm talking to you F/n!"

"Y-yes Mr. Baldi sir!" F/n said and started writing down the answers onto their notebook. Y/n noticed how much of a nervous wreck F/n is today but that happened to her too when she first came here so she just ignored it.
"I hope you did your homework today Miss Y/n.." Baldi says crossing his arms.

"Yes I did, Here it is!" Y/n handed her homework to him and he started scoring each problem she had answered.
"You did fantastic, another shiny quarter for you!" Baldi picked the quarter from his pocket and gave Y/n by the hand. F/n rolled their eyes and finally finished their work.
"Mr. Baldi? I'm done." F/n said holding up their notebook. Baldi was hesitant and took their notebook and started scoring for each question. Baldi was surprised to see they were correct. So he gave F/n a quarter.

"Im impressed, not bad F/n. Please do keep up the good work.." F/n took the quarter from him and smiled like an idiot, Y/n noticed that too and giggled.
After being taught for almost an hour. The bell rang and Baldi dismissed the class. "Here's homework for the both of you. I hope you aren't having a hard time learning Y/n." Baldi put his hand over Y/n's shoulder.

"No, not at all. Thanks for teaching me, I think I'm getting better at learning math." Y/n said smiling and hugging Baldi again out of complete nowhere. "Thanks to you.." Y/n spoke softly while Baldi was astonished but hugged her back and soon let go. "No problem, class will resume after 15 minutes, don't be late, same with your friend." Y/n nodded and head out with F/n through the hallways.

Y/n swore she heard cursing from inside the classroom, she couldn't hear it clearly since Baldi locked himself inside the classroom for whatever reason but she once again ignored it and followed F/n, looking at interesting things.

Authors note
Oof another update.
I hope this chapter is a bit longer and yeah idk where and how this book has a lot of reads. Thx for reading. :'V

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