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Your Pov

When Baldi said that last sentence, I felt goosebumps and unpleasant shivers ran down through my spine. His pitch black eyes dilated and half of his face were covered in blood, he smiled widely at me, giving him a disturbing appearance that suits him rather well. I was done at this point. I quickly darted off and ran away from him. I went into the canteen area and quickly purchased myself a few energy flavored zesty bars and a Bsoda, I ripped open the zesty wrapper and started munching it, 'perfect timing to eat.' My stamina bar went full and then I went to the exit that's in the canteen. As soon as I approached, the bright yellow double doors once again disappeared into thin air, I groaned in frustration, none of this made any sense but I have to keep going and try to find the rest of the exits in this schoolhouse if I wanna leave this shithole. I kept running until I saw another exit, this one disappeared too, I keep searching for more exits time to time, but the exit will only just disappear.

"Y/n, do you really think you can get out of here so easily? Why can't you make this easier for me? For the both of us?" I heard Baldi said in a very weird tone, he began slapping his ruler and spotted me. I took a step back and sprayed him away with my second Bsoda.

"Get away from me you spawn of a devil!" I yelled through as I popped open my can of Bsoda at him, it effected on him and pushed him back, it may sound ridiculous how he can kill anyone but he really couldn't do anything when he got attacked by a drink. "Try me bitch!" I heard Baldi yelled at me while he's being pushed back by my used Bsoda.

Oof, how rude, that actually hurts honestly no really..

Oh fucking well,

I halt down through the hallways and found an another exit, this time, it didn't disappear.. but it was locked! "Are you kidding me?!" I said as I tried pushing it open but to no avail. Maybe the principal had those keys? I tried searching for the detention room (aka principal's office) 'I wonder what he's been doing in all of this?' That doesn't matter anymore, I need to get out of here, fast! And let the FBI know everything I've witnessed! I think i've seen.. hell!

When I approached the detention room, I turned the doorknob and swung open the door and went inside. Surprisingly, the principal was inside this room this whole time! His head was rest against on his table, his hands were raked around through his messy brown hair. "M-Mr. Principal..?" I spoke curiously. He suddenly perked up and turned his head to look at me.

He stands up from his office chair and looked directly at me with his pure blackened eyes with a hint of sadness.
"Y/n.. what are you still doing here in this hour late?" He said, I exhaled lightly and sighed. "I-I need your help.. Princi, maybe you won't believe me but.. Mr. Baldi just killed two p-people right in front of me.. and now he's after me. I need to get out of here, do you have the keys for the exit door??" I said, trembling. I don't know what's going on through his mind right now at this moment but all I care is getting out of here. And never come back. The principal looked away from me and frowns heavily. "..So professor Baldi is at it again? I knew this would happen anytime soon." Huh? What does he mean by that? "I told you to collect those notebooks, didn't I? Even if you're confused, you still don't even know the full story yet.." I looked at him, perplexed. "I'm sorry Principal of the thing.. but, I really don't know what's happening, but, I did collect all the seven notebooks just like you asked.. all I need is the keys to escape this place.." I said, hoping he'd have those damn keys. He went to his office desk and opened one of the drawers, I heard what sounded like keys jingling, my eyes shot up in relief when I saw he had the keys. "Take them and leave." He said handing me the keys. I wanted to ask him more since he's the only sane person left around here. "Sir, can I ask you something? did you experience something like this before?" He looked at me and forced a smile. "I've seen worse, you really should be getting out of here now, Baldi will come and get you and you probably won't like the results." I shivered and nodded. "Thank you, pleasure to meet you sir." I said convincing him that I genuinely enjoyed spending my last moment with the principal I hardly knew. "You're welcome Y/n, stay safe and call someone if something bad happens alright?" He said smiling for real, I hugged him in sympathy. "Okay." I replied, I felt his hands hugged me back, I soon let go and looked at him one last time before I leave.

I walked out of his office and begin hurrying for the exit. I quickened my pace after hearing several slaps continue, as curious as I am to know what's going on to this schoolhouse, right now was not the best time. I finally found the right exit, my eyes glitter in relief, 'I think I can get out of here! Omg, is it really happening? I missed F/n so much! I can't wait to confirm the police about what I've witnessed.' My mind was racing with so many thoughts right now. As soon as I approached the big yellow doors, playtime suddenly appeared, blocking the door. "Let's play!"

'NOOOO!! NO NO NO PLEASE! WHY AT A TIME LIKE THIS??!!' I screamed in my head. It's been a while since I've seen her, I thought I cut her jump rope. Where the hell did she get a new one?!

"You refused to play with me and cut my jump rope! Play with me now or you'll never leave!" She said, her voice full of hatred. I never seen her this pissed before. "Hey I'm sorry ok? But I have to go-" "nOooO! You have to play with me! Play with me!! Please... play... with... me..." She said tearing up. I heard Baldi's smacking were getting ridiculously closer. "Don't you get your hopes up Y/n.." I heard Baldi said in a sweet, sickening sadistic tone.

'Shit.... I'll never get out of here...'
I grabbed her jump rope and and started jumping.






'sHuT tHe FuK uPP!!'

After three jumps, Baldi appeared behind me in a flash. He looked angry but, then, his face expression soften a bit when he saw me and playtime played together. Baldi was right behind me! Ready to spank my bum! Sweat suddenly trickled down to my forehead.
'Fuck my existence, fuck my existence, fuck my existence,' My mind was clouded with so many thoughts right now.



"Wow, that's great! Let's play again sometime soon!" She said while grabbing her jump rope. 'Holy shit!'
I quickly put the keys in and pushed them the doors open, I looked behind me and saw Baldi who looked rather shocked, just before he could grab me, I slammed doors in his face. I shut the bright yellow double doors behind me and sigh in relief.

Once I was out, I was met with the purple sky, the sunset and the warmness. I started in awe at the outside world, it had been a while since I've seen it since the indoors of the schoolhouse has no windows at all. I still couldn't get the feeling that my escape was going to come sooner than expected. I cried joyfully and started to hear yelling behind closed double doors. I started to become nervous, surely I did locked them from the inside, right?

I stepped closer at the pavement of the road. Suddenly, I was thrown back and the door was slammed shut. "NOO!!" I screamed and quickly stumbled up. Baldi grabbed me by the rim of my new shirt. He gave me a malicious laugh as he licked the blood off of his steel ruler. I pushed him off of me and I started to halt down the distant hallway all awhile Baldi is after right behind my booty. 'Damn it, I was so close! Fuck me for standing outside for too long!'

I kept running, not caring if I'm going to die for not catching my breath, or, if that's the kind of death I would have wanted instead of Baldi smacking me to death! "Y/n, I would advise you to quit running away," I kept running until I took a next turn to the canteen area. "Just know that I'm going to get you and I'll punish you for trying to leave me, there is no escape Y/n, so why? Why are you still doing this?!"

I tried pushing the exit doors in front of the cafeteria but I don't have the keys, I dropped it!! I went to a corner, with no weapons, but my backpack. I backed up in a corner when Baldi was right in front of me. Mr. Baldi smirked and looked at me, his eyes were cold, like mountain peaks.

Baldi slapped his ruler, he towered over me. His pitch black eyes gazed upon me for a second and I was captivated by them.
"Ohh Y/n, when the fuck will you learn?"

Author's note
Hello it's been a heccing while, another long chapter (kindaaa) I never noticed how many chapters I might need in this book...
o well...

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