No time for Playtime

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My another fanart of playtime👆
She looks like that in this chapter.

Your Pov

I kept running until I finally saw another classroom, I quickly went inside. Adrenaline rushed inside of me, I really, really am terrified. I can hear Baldi's smacking grew louder every second. That's what really scared me. I went up to the notebook at the teacher's desk and quickly answered the three questions correctly except the third one and snatched the notebook from my hands.

'I get angrier for every problem you get wrong.' That's what it says on the 'you can think pad'. I get it.

I heard Baldi's smacking was getting faster now. Now I can see why I shouldn't be answering any questions wrong at all. Every time if I answered them wrong, he would become more aggressive and began slapping his ruler against his hand faster than before, and that didn't bother him? Wouldn't his hand become be a stinging pain? Oh right, that's a hint if he's going to spank my butt and leave it like that.. yikes!

I quickly left the classroom and leave the door open. I ran through the halls and I saw.. that same little girl with a poor eyesight and a jump rope in her hands. I try to ran past her but she stopped me in my tracks.

"Y/n! Let's playyy..!!" She said in sympathy. She's probably clueless right now. Does she know that I'm being chased by my teacher who's probably going to kill me?

She also looked different.. she's looking cuter here. A red bow was wrapped around behind her short brunette hair that suited her so much and her smile seemed brighter than before.
It looked like she really was looking forward to play with someone.. but sadly I can't play with her. Not at a time like this. I also can't deny her. She's too adorable. What should I do?
I have to give a good excuse.

"S-sorry little girl.. I can't right now. I'm running late with something!" I said but she still wouldn't let me go and looked curiously behind me.

"Where's your friend?" She said with no emotion in her voice.

"Um they left, sorry they're just running late for eating practice haha, and I have to leave too, we'll play together some other time okay?? just please let me go."

"Awww... but it's not after school yet. Please play with me? I really tried looking for a playmate to play jump rope with me but everyone in this schoolhouse said they're busy with something. I only just wanted play with someone... but one wants to play with me...." Her voice cracks at the last sentence and she started to cry.

She sanked down to the ground and starting sobbing to herself. I was just standing there. Speechless. I have no idea what to do. Baldi is going to come after me but I have to make it quick.
I actually do kinda feel bad for her. I understand she wanted to play with someone but why at a time like this??

I reached down to her level and I began,
"Ok fine. Please make it quick. I really do not have much time."

She quickly stood up and smiled and threw a jump rope at me.

"Yayyy! Ready? Go!"







I can hear the smackings were getting closer right now.. shit. I think he found me! A tiny drop of sweat quickly formed into my forehead.


I slowly looked behind me and saw him. He was right there at the end of the hallway. I felt a chill swept through my spine. I looked at the little girl and she looked like she had no idea what's going on. Clearly, she didn't mind Baldi smacking his ruler. I wasn't paying any attention and I tripped myself over at the jump rope. My face was planted on the ground.

"Shit.." I whispered myself and quickly stood up. I saw Baldi was getting closer, wearing a sick grin on his face.

"Oops, you messed up, let's try again! From the start!" She said and started clapping her hand as if she's enjoying this.

I remembered something. I know it's rude of me but I have to.. for my own safety. I quickly took out a pair of safety scissors and cut her jump rope. Her face was full of mixed emotions. Her mouth was hanging open. She was shocked and also looked like she wanted to cry. I feel horrible for doing that but I have no other option here.

"Awww that makes me sad..." She said crying and started running away from me. She went at Baldi's direction. I truly felt disgusted. I am such a horrible person. All she wanted to do is play..

I started running anyway. I also looked behind me to see if the little girl is still there but instead, I saw Baldi was hugging her! Is he comforting her? That was so nice of him but.. I'm having mixed feelings for Baldi right now. Why is he making this so difficult? I have to get away anyway. Don't trust this man. I kept running until I reached at the end of the hallway. I panted and leaned my head against the wall. I looked behind me and saw no sign of Baldi and the little girl. I have to stay here for a little while, I need to catch my breath and have enough stamina. I suddenly sanked down to the ground with my friends' notebooks gripped tightly around my arms. I sighed, after a few seconds I got up and started to find another notebooks.

"Two... only two more notebooks left.." I said tiredly to myself and continue walking slowly since the smacking sounds suddenly stopped at some point.

What if Baldi is actually nice? I'm still unsure but what if Baldi just turned out to be a really nice and innocent man? I shouldn't be the one to judge but I doubt it.

..I don't know but I have to keep focusing on getting out of here and see what really happened to F/n.

Authors note
Another chapter ye.
How r u liking this book so far? I know this book sucks but I still wanna continue it. This is one boring filler chapter but things will get interesting soon.. I hope.

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