Chapter 6: Lunch

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Camila POV

The moment Emily saw me walking towards her inside the restaurant she's chosen, she started tearing up immediately and ran over to me.

The last time I saw Emily was weeks before I left to go the Philippines. We went to the shopping centre and just had lunch. She hasn't changed much, actually. She still got her long light blonde hair and if anything, her curves were more defined. Like me, she also applies more make-up now which I could see that's very visible. Being a natural blonde with angelic face, she stands out from most girls our age that already look like they're in their late 20's.

"Mila!" she cried even more as she hugged me tightly.

With how much she's crying, I couldn't help but cry as well. I hugged her the same way. I never thought that she'd get this emotional... well, if I remember correctly, even during our last day in school, she was the only one who cried amongst everyone who knew me. This is my bestfriend. I can't believe we lost years without contacting each other.

"O-oh God! I mi-missed you! Please, let's seat." she murmured in a shaking voice while wiping tears from her face.

"Thank God I wore waterproof mascara. You know the deal." she then quipped.

We stared at each other for a few seconds in silence while giving each other small smiles. And when I was about to speak, she started to say somehing too.

Realising that we both spoke at the same time, we both laughed and she told me to go first.

"No, really. I missed you, Mils. I want to apologise for not being completely honest with you. I deserved your cold treatment and I am actually so grateful you reached out to me. Even when I was back there, I never truly had a best friend. I have always considered you as my best friend." I said longingly, finally getting to tell her what I've always wanted to in person.

She looked at me with a frown.

"No, Mila! I was wrong for just bitching on you like that. I guess I was just too frustrated because you weren't really talking to me anymore then I found out that you're staying way too long in the Philippines, different from what you've told us. Don't worry, you are my only best friend too. If you only knew how miserable I am the first days when you left..." she said sadly, with her tears threathening to fall again.

I looked at her in despair as we continued to talk naturally and catch up with each other's lives. Even though we have not seen each other for years, it feels like we only saw each other last month or something. That is how comfortable it is to talk to her.

Apparently, Emily is taking BS in Psychology in Melbourne University, one of the most expensive unis and the number one uni here in Australia. Although we've always partied and stuff, we were both very firm about dreaming of entering Melb Uni. I have always looked forward on studying in such a prestigious university with her too.

When I told her about my experiences in the Philippines, the loss of my parents and a more detailed explanation of my situation right now, she looked really upset and was biting her lips in frustration the whole time.

"Damn it! I should've been there for you, Mila. I'm sorry... I am your best friend but during your lowest, I didn't even fucking realise because I thought of myself way too much. I never realised that you were busy and probably in so much pain as well." she said sadly.

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