Chapter 8: Stop

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Damien POV

"When me and Mils were still together, she actually used to talk about her only best friend all the time. She whines about her not being there with her." Andre tells me as he munches on some chips.

He's at my penthosue again and after confronting Mila and finally getting direct contact info from her, I was just too curious on how she somehow started to casually hang out with my brother.

"I dunno how she looked like though. I never really cared even though Emily showed me snaps. Only found out when my lads saw her at the city and started suspecting that she looked familiar. That girl was surprisingly popular around the suburbs in our clinic, you know." he shrugged.

I gave him some beer to dwell on like me and he gladly accepted it. I didn't say anything, deeply interested in his story about Camila.

"Since Emily blocked me everywhere and none of the people I knew were that close to her... Mila was my only hope, bro. They didn't see each other for years but when they saw each other they're friends like nothing happened. I'm happy Mils finally got her bestie back." Andre said with a distressed face as he drank the beer I gave him.

There he goes again... Emily, Emily, Emily. I nodded at him and just listened to his endless rants about his ex-girlfriend. My brother is an asshole but I could tell how fucked up he is when it comes to his ex-girlfriend.

I'm grateful Andre's that desperate to still be updated eith Emily, though. If he wasn't, I'd probably never had the perfect chance to get Camila's number and schedule. I wouldn't have had the chance to be closer to her...

For the next few weeks, I found myself fixing my sched to just fall in within her free time. I took her to different restaurants every weekdays and we would always text each other. I was never the type of person to text but I never thought I could be this happy and eager when it's with her.

Simple things like asking about her day, telling her to go to sleep and so on... who would've thought such little things can make me feel like I'm the happiest in the world, huh.

It's too late to deny it. I am clearly attracted to her and my growing feelings for her are already too hard to surpass.

"I think your plan is to make me fat." she giggled when I handed her an ice cream we brought at the city.

We usually go out during weekdays and very often, it's only for a few hours because she has work to do and I had things to take care of as well. But since we both did our readings already last night and finished it, I finally managed to ask her out during a weekend. It excites me how I can spend time with her longer.

"And this is seriously so delicious, damn. Just how many calories is this? I can't go to gym because it's expensive and I'm too busy." she whined

"You don't need to go to gym. You're already fit, Mila." I said honestly.

She scoffed at me.

"But you seriously buy too much sweets for us. In no time, I'll blow up like a whale." she cutely said with a frowned face.

I chuckled, finding her really cute.

"Maybe you can use the gym in my penthouse then. We'll hang out there." I smirked at her.

I don't know why but she glared at me, not believing what I said. It's offending when she makes that expression to me. I haven't told her a lie and she thinks I'm just teasing her all the time. I gazed at her as her cheeks flustered.

"No way! That would be too troubling, Dr. Pittari." she said softly.

My jaw clenched at that. Dr. Pittari, seriously? Even she doesn't call my mum by our last name. She calls my brother by his first name so easily as well. Tss.

"I told you to stop calling me that. Call me Damien. Damo or Dame, whatever." I said, pissed off.

I saw how her forehead ceased, confused.

"Why? Even Velle calls you Dr. Pittari, though. You're a boss, too." she said, looking all innocent.

"Velle calls me by my name when we talk to each other, Mila. I thought you considered me your friend already but you still call me so professionally..."

I saw how panic arised quickly within her face. I couldn't help but be amused. I had a slight smirk on my face.

"No, uhm. Even so, you're still a boss, so it's only right to call you that." she insisted again.

"Then should I resign so you'd finally call me by my name, huh?" I asked, challenging her.

Camila shook her head profusely with her jaw dropped and overall surprised expression.

"Just kidding." I added, just to ease her. I'm sure that for me, it's not a joke, though. I was actually already considering that idea since by doing that, I'd have more free time and focus more on my training with my specialisation.

For the rest of the day, we went to the zoo and went to the movies. It's seriously fun just staring at her amused at the animals we saw. The musical band that played in the zoo was pretty okay as well and made our strolling wonderful. My favourite is the movies, though. I should thank the Heavens for making Camila choose some horror movie.

"Oh my god!" she screamed as she unconsciously grabbed my arm.

I'm not even watching the goddamn movie. I'm looking at her all the time, keeping myself entertained with her reactions while she's seriously watching. She's biting her lips and half-closing her eyes all the time.

When I noticed her hands were shaking in probably fear, I couldn't fight the urge to have my hand tangled with hers. The moment it did, the shakeness of her hands immediately mellowed down.

"This will help you lessen your fear. Hold on tighter when you feel even more scared." I slyly told her as she gazed at me, obviously surprised at what I did.

She gave me a small nod and let her delicate hand completelty relax with mine. Just a simple touch this makes me feel tingling emotions. Her small hand fits completely in mine, like she was made in this world for me.

I felt even happier when she did tighten her grip during scenes that made her happy but that was quickly saturated when she was the first one to withdraw from the hold.

"Th-thanks, Dr. Pittari." she said softly.

Oh for fuck's sake. When are you ever gonna stop calling me that?

She looked thrilled after watching the movie, proud of herself for going through that. We ended the night watching stars at the Melbourne Planetarium before dropping her off at her auntie's home.

With the skies beaming of bright stars, I gazed at her lovely face as her eyes twinkled similar to the shining stars. I looked away and closed my eyes, trying to memorise every detail of her. She outshines any other star and damn it, my heart is crazily beating real fast just for her.

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