The Amulet

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Aphmau sighs, watching the sunrise from her roof. She'll come inside and act like she slept when Zoey comes to wake her up, but until then she was enjoying the peace. After another 30 minutes, she swung down through the window and into her room. After Zoey came and 'woke her up,' she went outside for a walk. To her surprise, a small golden amulet lay on the ground. It had a purple gem inside. She stared at it a moment, before leaning over and snatching it up. Studying it, she confirmed her suspicions.

Meanwhile, at the recently relocated Sky Army Camp, General Adam Skyflier, or as his recruits and friends knew him, Sky, dashed around the budder colored room, tearing things out of place in a frenzy.
"Where is it, where is it?!" He mumbles panicked. General Quintin Mudkipz, or Mudkipz for short, walked in, only to freeze at the mess.
"Sky," he says. Sky continues tearing through the room.
"Sky," he says again, louder. Still nothing.
"Adam for the love of Jess, Stop tearing apart your room and tell me what's wrong before I declare you clinically insane and have you locked in the infirmory!" He yells, causing Sky to stop and turn to him.
"My amulet. It's gone." He says, and Mudkipz pales considerably.
"Oh. How long until?"
"I'll be able to keep under control for a few days. But after that... An hour to 5 seconds." Sky swallows, darting out to the hall.
"I'll get Ty and Jason. You get to Seto to see if he can locate it." Mudkipz ordered, then ran off in the direction of the training fields. Sky sighs, beginning to jog to where he's certain Seto is. Finally, he gets to the potions tent. The Sky Army is constantly moving, no place seems to be safe. So far, they've managed to stay relatively undiscovered- not many of the bigger alliances and towns knew of them. That was good. They were just passing through this region after all. He enters, calling out for Seto.
"Sky? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" He asks, purple eyes glittering in the rising sun.
"It's gone," Sky replies simply, running his hand through his already ruffled chocolate brown hair. Seto visibly pales, just like Mudkipz.
"Oh. I can preform a location spell, if you want?" He asks, already pulling out the books. Sky nods, relaxing slightly. Jason and Ty walk in, Mudkipz stumbling in soon after, completely out of breath. Seto turns back to Sky, eyes glowing faintly.
"Phoenix Drop," he says, and Sky nods.
"Mudkipz, take a minute to catch your breath then tell Izzie she's in charge until I get back, please. And take your time, don't push yourself," He then turns to Ty and Jason.
"Please get Max and Ross. We're going on a little adventure to Phoenix Drop."

The Amulet~ A Minecraft Diarys-Sky Media Crossover/ The Song~Mystreet-SkymediaWhere stories live. Discover now