Oh, sh*t

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She pales slightly.
"Should I?" Ty asks softly. Adam shakes his head softly.
"That would make everything even more confusing." He mounts his horse.
"... you wanna come see the temporary base Aph? I'm sure Red, Barney, and the rest would love to see you again?" He suggests. Aphmau visibly relaxes, nodding greatfully.
"Uh, I'm not so sure you should-"
"It's fine, Laurence. I'll bring Shelby with me, if that'll make you feel better." Aphmau nods to Adam.
"I'll get Shelby and prepare to head out. Garroth, please show our visitors to the stables." The knight nods, leading the group to the stables.
Adam dismounts when they get there and pets Cloud softly.
"You're good with animals." A high pitched voice comments. He looks over. A girl with hot pink hair and cat ears watches him with curious eyes.
"Thanks. I've known Cloud since he was a colt."
"You have animal friends too?" Someone yells excitedly from across the room.
"Augh!" Max nearly falls over.
"Kiki~Chan! Don't scare them!" The pink haired girl squeals, running over to a girl with red hair.
"Sorry, Kawwaii~Chan! I just noticed him talking to the squirrel!" The red head, Kiki, says.
"Ehwhut?" Max looks incredibly confused. Ross jumps off, turning human before he lands. Kiki nearly falls over this time, crying out in shock.
Adam laughs, and Ross hides behind Max.
Aphmau walks in, a red haired girl following. They both had bags slung over their shoulders.
"Hey, guys, this is Shelby. She's my friend." Aphmau says, walking up to a brown and white spotted horse.
"C'mon, Patches." She grins, leading the horse out of the pen.
The red headed girl, Shelby, brings out a similarly designed horse, but the patches are black.
"We're going on an adventure, Oreo!" She giggles. Ross runs over, hugging her.
"Ross?" She asks quietly. The squirrel-boy nods.
"It's been a while, buddy!" She chirps.
Ross runs back over to Max.
"We're cousins," he mutters quietly to Max, who nods slowly. They all hop on their horses, and start to leave. Garroth stops Adam just before he leaves.
"If you do anything to Lord Aphmau-"
"Don't worry, lover boy, she'll be safe with us." Adam rolls his eyes, and Cloud picks up the pace, soon full on galloping to the gates. Aphmau grins.
"You aren't gonna win this time, Budder Man!!!"
"Oh no, Sassmau has come to get my swaggolicous Booty!" They race to the gates, and end up tied. Slowing down so the others can catch up, Adam chuckles.
"So. Have you found any special somebody in the village?" He asks casually. Jess sighs, relaxing as she finally escapes her role of Aphmau if only for a bit.
"Yes! It is a table. No one compares to the table." She giggles.
"Then I shall fight the table to the death for your hand!"
They burst out laughing.
Finally, the others catch up.
"Sorry to rain in on your flirting, Aphmau, but Garroth asked me to keep you and him '25 million dragons' away from each other." Shelby moves her horse to ride between the two.
"Awh, you're no fun, Shumpie!" Ross jumps off of Max's head and onto the saddle behind him, turning human again. He had became a squirrel again before they left, not feeling like trying to explain to the guards why he was no longer a squirrel. Immidiately, he nearly falls off and wraps his arms around Max's waist, laughing a little bit.
"I... Do not like horses..."
"Well, that is just... adorable. I ship it." Shelby giggles. Jess holds out her hand for a high-five, which she receives.
"Welcome aboard the Mithross train!"
Max tilts his head and glares at them. Ross just blushes and looks away. Ty and Jason trot up to Adam.
"We did a perimeter sweep." Jason says. Ty sighs, glancing behind him before speaking up in a low volume,
"We're being followed."

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