The Carnival

133 4 1

If you can name who the references are to, 50 points to your hogwarts house! Ravenclaws, rise up! But not too fast! I have an iron deficiency and some of you might too! Also sorry this took so long lmao

Jess squeals.
"We thought you'd like it." Adam chuckles.

They got their tickets, then started wandering around.
Their first stop was the cotton candy stand; it was too good to pass up! They stopped at a pretzel stand too, because none of them had ate lunch yet. They found a bench to eat their lunch at, and watched the people walk past.

"AAAAAA" a group of about six people run past. Following them is a smaller person, who seems to have a tazer and is cackling.
"Michael stop!!!" A girl runs after them, camera in hand, looking panicked.

A boy in a flower crown clutched a stuffed animal lion close to him, walking next to a boy who carried a skateboard under his arm. A tall man was bullying pretty much everyone, particularly a blonde with a bowl cut, and one in a green shirt just fired pun after pun to anyone who would listen. A redhead trailed after the green shirt, just sighing. Two fairly tall people walked slightly behind them, talking. One had a British accent and wore a yellow sweater, the other seemed to switch between many accents to make him laugh.

"I'm gonna win all the prizes!" A teenager, blonde and running around wildly, was grabbed by the arm by a guy in sunglasses.
"Calm down! You're gonna trip!"
"I regret everything." A man with a voice far too deep for his appearance walks calmly behind them, trailed by a blonde in a green and white hat.
"Awh, they ain't too bad!"
"Phil, if it wasn't for Deo, I would have collapsed on the ground and gave up. He's doing almost all of the work of keeping him out of trouble and I'm still exhausted..." The conversation gets out of hearing range as they walk by.

"Mumbo Jumbo you are afk!"
"Grian if you sing that damned song one more time I will slap you!"
"This week, on Hermitcraft recap!" A bearded man started,
"Grian gets Bitch slapped by Iskall for singing the Afk song!" Another finishes in a russian accent. The bearded one carried a camera, the russian accented one a microphone.
"Cub, we gotta win the cat!" One with a scar across his face runs up to a booth, pointing at the cat plush.
"Kids these days..." An older man trails behind the group of like 20 people.

"Boris, I hear you ask, why are you in America? Well, that is a good question! Plot convenience!"

"Stephen is the best!"
"You're full of yourself. Will you ever shut up?"
"Shut up, Gavin!"
"I stopped trying a while ago."
"Shush, Hosuh! I will get him to shut up someday! I will! It is my goal!"
"Good luck shutting the magnificent Stephen up! My voice will be heard!"

"Dan! Hurry up!"
"Phil! I'm tired!"
"But I wanna go on the Ferris Wheel!!"
"Ugh, but the Ferris Wheel is all the way over there!!!"
"I'll hold your hand!"
"... deal."

"Let's go!" Jess grabs Adam's hand, dragging him towards a rollercoaster.
"Whoo!" Everyone follows, cheering.

"I regret everythiNG-" Ross screams as they finish the climb and start falling.
"Y'all're baby's." Red giggles as Barney cheers.
"My ears Shump!"
"HAHAHAHHAHA" Max cackles.

Ross stumbles around once they get off the dollar coaster. If it's wasn't for the fact that he had a death grip on Max's arm, he would have faceplanted on the floor. Max was still chuckling. Red and Barney are unaffected, Shelby is apologizing to Cory, and Jess and Adam are debating whether to go again or to go on another ride. They end up deciding to to to the carousel. So what, they're grown adults? Carousels!

"I win! I win!" Jess cheers as her horse stops infront of Adam's. Adam sighs.
"It's alright, horsie. You're a winner in my book." They get off, look at each other, and burst out laughing.

It was sunset, and they all had something or another with them. Barney had a dino plush, Red had a flower crown, Ross was clutching a narwhal plush like God himself had gave it to him, Max had his arm around Ross's shoulder and his other hand held a squirrel plush, and Shelby was sharing a bag of cotton candy with Cory, a bunny plush and a fox plush in her bag. Jess held a wolf plush Adam won her happily, and Adam had a cat plush on his head. How it stayed there, no one knows, but it did.

"Ferris Wheel!" They cheered, each getting into a cart. Adam and Jess, Max and Ross, Cory and Shelby, and Barney and Red.

Jess gasped at the view.
"It's so beautiful!"
" really is..."
But Adam wasn't looking at the sunset. Jess turns her head to look at him. They stare at each other for a few seconds, which spans on like centuries in their minds.
That's when the wheel stops and the screams start.

Jess peers out from their vantage point. No one seems to be hurt, but all the lights have gone out and the rides stopped. She looks at the entrance to find... The people can't leave. Something is blocking them.

"I can't see... Adam can you tell me what's blocking the doors?"
Adam turns, and shakes his head.
"I can't see any better than you. Ross?" He turns to the cart behind them.
"Already on it."
"Ross no it's too dangerous!"
"I'll be fine Max." He turns, kisses Max on the cheek, and then darts away in squirrel form.
Max looks pretty stunned.

Ross runs between people's feet, and very quickly gets to the gates. The crowd is thick here though and he doesn't want to get trampled.
He climbs on top of the ticket stand.

It's an army. About fifty people in armor blocked the door, keeping people back.
"M'am, please remain calm!" One says, shoving back a struggling woman with their gun.
Ross stared at the pattern on their vests. Where had he seen it before?

When he gets back, he sits on Adam and Jess's cart first, squirrel mode so it didn't unbalance too bad.
"It's an army. There are hundreds of them, but about fifty are blocking the entrance. I can't seem to remember where their insignias are from, but I recognize them. A golden flower with-"
"Eight petals?"
"Yeah! How?"
"That's Notch's army. Why he's here I have no clue."
"Go back to Max, Ross. We'll take it from here." Adam finally speaks up.
Ross nods, leaping to his and Max's cart and turning human.

"I know what he's here for," Adam says to Jess. She nods.
"I have my theories. It's you, isn't it? Because you're..."
"Yes. I won't let him hurt any innocents. I'm going to give myself up."
"No, you are not! We're gonna get out of here!"
Shelby pokes her head up. She's clinging to the sides of the Ferris Wheel.
"Holy- how did you get up here?"
"I'm a good climber! Anyways, it's Notches army yeah? Cory says he has a plan, but we gotta get down first. Does anyone know how to hotwire a Ferris Wheel?"
"I couldn't help but overhear you needed someone to hotwire the Ferris Wheel?"
The small man with the taser from earlier pops his head up.
"What the-?"
"I can climb too. Anyways I can help."
"That'd be great."
He disappears.
About five minutes later, it starts moving slowly. The people at the bottom get off, then Red and Barney, then Shelby and Cory, then Jess and Adam, and finally Max and Ross.

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