The Car Ride

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Aphmau grins, packing up her stuff. The entire group was going to the beach, and she was super excited!
Her cat ears, nearly black but actually a very dark purple, flicked up at the sound of someone walking to her room.
"Hey, Aph."
"Hey, Aaron! You ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'm all packed up. Just came to see if you needed help carrying anything."
They were going to be staying the week at a hotel there, because it was a vacation!
Still, she only had a suitcase and a backpack, the suitcase carrying cloths and the backpack carrying her phone, charger, drawing pad, and a few other things.
"Thanks, but I'm alright."
She swings the backpack on, dragging the suitcase behind her. Aaron follows her, flicking off the light and closing the door behind them. Putting her suitcase in the trunk, she climbed into the large van, sitting all the way in back. Travis sat next to her, because they trusted him to not flirt with her other than to joke. They were close friends, but it was purely platonic.

"Hey, Aph! Sing me a song!" Travis cheered softly, to which she shook her head, glancing at the front of the car.
"I'll ask to turn on the radio though?" Travis nods, and she calls to Aaron, the driver, to turn on the radio.
She doodles in her sketch pad, ending up with a wolf in sunglasses and an amulet.
"You really miss him, don't you?" Travis whispers. He's the only one who knows about her past.
"Yeah... It's okay though." She finishes coloring the sketch in budder and purple.
Flipping to the next page, she draws a few more animals in a simpler style; a fox with a camera, a bunny in a paper crown, a squirrel with a bowtie, and another wolf with a Z necklace. Aaron pulls into a gas station parking lot, and they all waited outside for him to finish getting some snacks.
Suddenly, Katelyn snatches the book with a giggle, just playing around.
"Katelyn!! Give it back!" She squeals.
"Nope! Now let's see here- oh wow... These are really good..." She says, flipping through the pages. She stops on the one with the wolf.
"Wow! This is amazing!" She passed the book around, Aphmau hiding her face in her hands.
" 'Sky' with a heart next to it, huh? And who might this Sky be?"
Aaron walks outside, bags in hand, and takes a look at the drawing.
"Who drew this?"
He looks up at her, confused.
"I didn't know you could draw. Who's 'Sky <3'?"
"Uhm... Just... No one, no one at all, let's just get going." She takes the sketchbook back, shoving it into her bag.

"Aphmau! Sing for us!" Katelyn chimes, bored. She reluctantly agrees, pulling up "Airplane Mode" (it's a good song!) on her phone, playing it loud enough for everyone to hear. "This is for a special someone" she giggles.
Everyone quiets down, listening to her sing.
Aaron smiles, thinking the song was for him, until a phrase comes up.
"I'm sorry, Baby, please, Puppy, I'm trying to be, ultra mega happy and show you my smile and send you my feelings and f*ck, it is so hard, being so damn far..."
Aphmau never called him anything other than Aaron. She never seemed to have troubles being happy, she was always smiling, and they weren't far apart, they haven't been for a while. Maybe it was just the song, but something irked him, paired with the drawing from earlier... The song started applying to them less, and there were so many other love songs...
He shook his head. It was nothing. He'd ask her about it later.

They finally arrived, Aphmau jumping out and, tail swishing, dragging her suitcase and backpack to the check in counter.
Aaron signed in, they got their keys, and left upstairs. The group was split into three, KC, Katelyn, Aphmau, Cadenza, and Lucinda in one room, and the boys split across two rooms.
Their plan was to go to the beach, so Aphmau and the other gals took turns changing, Aphmau changing into a simple swimsuit. She didn't feel comfortable in bikinis, so she had a purple short sleeve swim shirt with black swim leggings. It was very comfy. Katelyn and KC had similar swimsuits, but Katelyn's was blue and KCs was pink. Lucinda had an orange two piece and Cadence just wore a crop top and shorts, not planning on swimming.
Once everyone had changed, they left to the beach. Aphmau was excited to swim, but she had a weird feeling. She brushed it off, but still, her mind was persistent.
She also ignored the boys obvious disappointment that she wasn't wearing a bikini, although knowing they were just joking.

They parked, and everyone jumped out. Travis and Katelyn got out their surf boards, and Laurence, Garroth, and Dante brought beach towels. Lucinda and Cadence grabbed a volleyball, grinning at Aphmau and Aaron.
"Wanna join?"
The group split up, either swimming, hanging out on the beach, surfing, or playing volleyball.
It had been about an hour, and Aphmau spiked the ball. Despite diving for it, Cadence didn't hit it. Instead, it bounced off of her and went flying.
"Ow!" It hits someone. Lucinda runs over, Cadence and Aaron following, to the group of people.
"Sorry, my bad, you okay?" Aphmau hears. Travis washes up on shore, turning to look at Aphmau before looking past her at the group. His eyes widen and he grabs her hand, pulling her into the shade under an umbrella.
"It's them! Jess, it's them!"

The Amulet~ A Minecraft Diarys-Sky Media Crossover/ The Song~Mystreet-SkymediaWhere stories live. Discover now