The End

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"Lightning, hand me that hammer please!" Adam calls, the former doing so. He finishes nailing the board in place. Stepping back, he grinned at his work. The whole army had pitched in on rebuilding Phoenix Drop, and the whole place was nearly completed.

Im so sorry, I don't know how to end this without feeling sad or just... Unfuffiled with the story?
The ending planned was 2 options; either Jess stayed and Adam built a kingdom next door, the sky army now having a permanent home, all of the couples got together, etc.etc. they lived happily ever after
Or Jess appoints a new Lord and rejoined the Sky Army, they continue their adventure together, all the couples get together, etc etc they live happily ever after
Sorry, I just... I didn't like any of the endings I made...
If you would like to do something with the ending or story in general I'm not stopping you, really. Have fun.

Don't leave just yet though! I'm going to be starting a MyStreet story soon in this exact book, yay? Thanks for reading!

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