For Lily, and also a rescue

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"Thank you! How did you get it moving?" Shelby asks.
"Well, you see, I just mixed up the wires, yelled crackhead at it, had a mental breakdown, chugged a redbull, and boom kaboom kabam it was on a roll!"
"In five minutes?"
"Y e s ! Now, I don't suppose you guys know whats going on?"
"Notch's army."
"Ah, and they're here for mr. Sunglasses, yeah?"
"How'd you?"
"I always know. Anyways, my name is Michael. What's the plan?"
"We have to escape."
"No shit, dude. I gotta find Lily first though."
"My girlfriend. Man, this constant state of back and forth questions isnt getting us anywhere! Ill cause a distraction, you guys escape."
"Last question! Just jump into the sea and swim, dude, i dunno. Gotta fly!"
The man, Michael, runs over to the ferris wheel, messes with it for a moment, and gives it a shove. The lights turn on and it starts rolling.
Michael runs after it, occasionally giving it another shove.
"Wow..." Jess mutters.
"Yeah..." Adam has a shocked, slightly impressed expression.
"Wait, we should go!" Jess grabs his hand, running. Adam grabs Cory, who grabs Shelby, who grabs Ross, who grabs Max, who grabs Red, who grabs Barney. A giant line of people running, straight to the docks. Some people join in, running beside them. Soon, 50 or so people are stampeding after them.

They run down the dock, leaping into the sea.
Some hesitated, some followed without pause, some stood there, trying to decide whether to follow them.
"Come on, guys! Lets swim to safety!" Jess calls, on Adam's shoulders.

They watch from above as the two groups lead charges, a group of eight leading 50 to the water, a man and a ferris wheel leading hundreds to the entrance.
They look away as the guards begin to fire, despite knowing they aren't firing lethally. To the people's credit, very few turn and run the other way. Brave people.
Braver than them.
Their wings expand from their back and they fly away.

"Lily? LILY??"
"Michael? What are you doing here? Holy shit are you bleeding!?"
"I'm fine, I've just been shot in the leg five times, are you okay? How do I open this?"
"Why are you asking me!?"
"Fuck it, " he steps back, then rams his shoulder into the door. It busts open.
"Jesus Christ... Who are you?" Another person in the cell whispers.
"Michael Reeves, professional crackhead. Have you guys seen a group of chaotic dumbasses anywhere?"

They swim through the water, around the fence that protects the carnival from unwanted guests, and onto the beach.
"Shh... If we make too much noise they'll find us..." The message is passed through the crowd, everyone being quiet for once.
Adam takes Jess' hand, and she takes Shelby's, and then the next thing they all knew, it was a giant chain of everyone holding someone elses hand like a cheesy movie.
They walk towards the nearby forest, which was a few paces away, and Adam makes sure everyone gets past the treeline before continuing.
Through the woods they go in pitch darkness, until they find a clearing.

"We'll start taking everyone home; people who walked can go first, we'll figure out the car situation later. Anyone who walked, please step forwards."

A few hours later, everyone was home or on their way there. Everyone except a kid, maybe 8.
"Hey, kid, where's your parents?" Adam crouches next to them.
"Probably at work. Malochi, my brother, told me to follow you guys and that he'd join us soon. Are they okay?"
"I'm sure he is. I'm Jess, what's your name?" Jess crouches next to Adam, offering a smile.
"My names Levin. I'm worried about Malochi though..."
"I'll look for him." Adam offers.
"Too dangerous, they're looking for you. I'll look for him." Jess states, turning to walk back towards the fence.
"Ill go with her and report back if something goes wrong!" Ross says, turning into a squirrel and jumping onto her shoulder.
"Stay safe!" Adam and Max call, before looking at each other and bursting out in laughter.

Jess hops the fence, sneaking around. The place was mostly empty.
"I don't like this..." Ross chitters.
Jess notices a strange barcade of tables, as if someone tried to make it look random. It did, infact, look like someone had ran into it and flipped it over unless you gave it closer inspection.
"Hey, Ross, go check over there please?"
Ross nods, jumping off and up onto the edge of one of the tables. Sure enough, behind it was 5, 6 people. They stare at the squirrel in confusion as it jumps down, then jump a bit as it turns human.
"Hey, I'm looking for Malochi, have you seen him?" Ross whispers. A boy looks over.
"I'm Malochi. Why are you looking for me?"
"Oh, thats convenient. Your brother, Levin, is worried about you. We managed to get everyone who joined us out and back on their way home, but Levin won't leave without you."
"Oh, man, I almost forgot! I was aboutta follow him, but then the guards showed up and I had to hide."
"Well, lets go now!" Ross turn back into a squirrel, hopping back over the barcade. Malochi follows him, waving Hi to Jess.
"Hey, you must be Malochi. Its good we found you!"
"Yeah! Thanks for looking out for Levin for me."
"No problem!"
"Uh... Guys ... We should go. Guards are heading our way." Ross' warning is a little too late.
"HEY, YOU, STOP!" The guards spot them.
"Ross, take Malochi back to 'camp'. I'll keep them from following you. " Jess runs out, across the Guards path, and right past the guards. They turn to follow her, and Ross turns human, grabbing Malochi's hand and running to the fence.

"Fuck you!"
Jess climbs up a ride, crouching about 5 feet above the guards.
"THEN ASK THEM! And stop yelling!"
"Have you seen a man with brown hair, sunglasses, and an amulet?"
"Yeah, why? "
" He stole something today-"
"He did not!"
"How do you know?"
"Because I'm friends with him and ive spent the entire day with him! "
"Look, your friend is very dangerous!"
"So am I!" She snarls, ears pinned back. She climbs higher, and higher, and higher, until shes at the top of the rollercoaster.
She takes a running start and leaps, wings expanding from her back as she soars away, back to 'camp. '
She lands just after Ross runs into camp.
"Oh! Jess!"
"Hey guys," her wings fold into her back, disappearing.
"Malochi!" Levin runs over, hugging him.
"Hey Levin!"

They get the two home, before sitting around a small fire.
"Well ... Sorry your fun day was ruined, Jess."
"Ruined? Are you kidding me? I had so much fun!"
"That's good!"
"Yeah! Man, we should head home. Todays been fun, but exhausting."
"I second that notion."
"+1 froms the Barneys!"
They laugh, standing up to head home.

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