The trip

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While I wait for responses for my last chapter, here's a filler chapter. Also, Mithross fanservice lmao
Edit: it's actually more like a shipping fanservice in general now lmao-

Adam frowns.
"What do they look like?"
"One had brown hair over his eye and wore a green mask. That's all we saw of him. The other had light blue hair, pretty sure they were a girl, but once again, didn't get a very good look. I don't think the green mask was aware of the blue haired girl's presence."
"I know one of them," Aphmau says, "Katelyn the fire-fist. She only recently got here. Have you heard of the jury of nine?" The group nods.
"Katelyn is one of them?"
"Yes. I don't know why she's following me. I've seen the other around though. I don't know his name, but he's been pretty much spying on the village, and me, ever since I arrived."
Adam frowns.
"Can we trust them?"
"No, I don't think so."
Max looks up at the setting sun.
"We should set up camp. It took most of the day to get to Phoenix Drop, so we should get back to camp by mid-afternoon tomorrow."

They had found a nice clearing on the side of the path. Adam had set up a tent just in case, but none of them seemed very keen to actually sleep in it. It was a clear night, the campfire was warm, and they had comfortable spots on the grass. Ty was on alert, and Jason was constantly glancing at the woods.
Ross stood up.
"I'm gonna go check the woods. Squirrels are pretty inconspicuous, but also have surprisingly good night vision." Max had stood up and tried to protest, but gave up pretty quickly after Ross had gave him a hug and promised him he'd be okay.
After watching Ross run off, jump into a tree and turn into a squirrel, Max had sat down.
"You two are so cute." Shelby comments with a giggle. Max glares at her.
"You're lucky you're new, or else I'd beat you up." He huffs, but they all knew it was an empty threat.

Ross watched the masked man peer through the brush at the group. Katelyn was close, but hidden from him, watching him instead. He found a twig, managing to break it right next to Katelyn.
He was spotted though, and Katelyn had grabbed him. The masked man had already seen her by then, of course, so she simply snarled at the squirrel.
"You aren't really a squirrel are you? You're too smart." She says.
The masked man grabs the squirrel from her, placing it on the ground. It had alerted him of the girl's presence, do it was the least he could do. It scrambled to the group, leaping onto the red headed male's shoulder and pressing into his hair.

Max blushed brightly as Ross suddenly jumped into his shoulder, hiding in his hair slightly. He was trembling.
"Hey, bud, what's wrong?" He asks softly, reaching over to pick him up lightly.
"Katelyn... Snapped twig... Grabbed... Mask... Saved..." He chitters, trembling. Max hugs the small squirrel softly, holding him close.
"It's okay bud, you're safe now..."
It seems as though Max was the only one to notice Ross. He stood up, Ross still in his hands, and sits behind the tent, knowing the fire probably scared Ross. The others didn't notice him leave, Adam telling stories of the Sky army to Shelby and Jess.
Ross turned human again, and Max hugged him close. Ross still shook heavily, clutching onto Max's shirt.
He genuinely thought he was going to die. He was terrified, sure that Katelyn was going to kill him. It wasn't really death he was scared of, but he didn't want to break his promise. Max meant so much to him, and he didn't want to make him mad by breaking his promise.
"I'm-I'm sorry Max- I promised I'd be okay and I nearly broke it- I'm sorry," he stutters. Max chuckles, hugging the other closer.
"It's okay, buddy, I'm not mad, I'm just happy you're safe," he smiles at the shorter boy, who looked up at him with a scared and cautious expression, slowly calming down and shaking decreasing.
"... promise?"
"I promise! I'm a glad Max! I'd be a very Sad Max without you, but I'd never be a Mad Max!" He grins, Ross grinning too.
"Thanks, Max." He hugs him tightly, Max hugging him back.

"Have I told you about the time Cory took down like 5 guards with a stick?" Shelby looks at him in interest. He had mentioned this Cory fellow before, and he was starting to catch her interest.
"It was just before we invited him to the army, he was on the streets at the time, and had just took a loaf of bread. He never liked to steal, from what he told us, but you do what you gotta do to survive I guess. Anyways, the guards came after him, and he hit one over the head with a stick. So others came after him, and soon, he was on the edge of town with nothing but a stick and a loaf of bread, and he was fending off all five with the stick! We were watching, prepared to jump in, but there was no need. He finally got the time to put the bread into his bag and proceeded to take down all five, all of which had swords, and escaped without a scratch! We knew at that point we wanted him on our side!" Shelby listened with great interest.
"He seems really cool..." She comments, glancing to the side.
"Don't worry, you'll meet him tomorrow! I'm sure he'll be happy to say hello!" He grins, and Jess nudges her with her elbow, wiggling her eyebrows. She wacks her over the head with her hand lightly, glaring.
"Hey, where's Max?" Adam asks.

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