Home, safe and- goddamn it

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Jess flops onto the couch, sighing in exhaustion. The others follow suit.
"Ugh... That was fun ... But never again ... Lets just go to a park next time..." She groans.
"Agreed..." Shelby mutters.
"So... Notch is looking for you again, Adam. Any idea why now?" Ross chitters, buried in the couch cushions.
"Well, if I were to guess, he doesn't want me anywhere near his daughter. Remember last time?" Adam chuckles, and Cory winces.
"Oh... Yeah... Jeez, he really just hates your bloodline, huh?" Cory says, raising an eyebrow.
"I guess so. I know he and Dad have a little fued, but I don't understand why Jess and I gotta be involved." Adam shakes his head.
"Why do they hate eachother again?" Red asks.
"Well, Dad's just annoyed by him. Notch doesn't like Dad because while Notch wanted to destroy the nether and everything from it, Dad saw the beauty in the flame and refused to let him. Notch's ego is bruised, basically."
"Thats dumbs." Barney laughs.
"I don't always agree with Notch, but he is family so..." Jess sighs

"So, Jess, we've been thinking and... We want you to move in with us! If you want to that is."
"Really? YESSSSSS!!!"

"Who's gonna cook dinner?" Max asks.
The horrid question they had been avoiding was finally addressed.
"...Pizza?" Ross offers.
"Pizza." Everyone simultaneously agrees.

Ding dong
"Ayy, Pizzas here!"
"I'll get it!" Ross jumps up, opening the door. He pays for the pizza, thanks the delivery guy, and runs back into the living room, sliding the pizza box onto the table.
"Pizza!" They cheer.

"Well, now what?"
"Hm... Movie, game night, or sleepover."
"Oh! Its been ages since we had our last sleepover!"

"So, Red, Barney, you're on supply duty!"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Ross, Max, you're on build duty!"
"On it!"
"Shelby, Cory, snack duty!"
"I cant cook but okay!"
"And Adam, you and I are on activity duty!"

"Okay, what's first?"
The eight of them were sat in a circle in the center of the blanket fort, which was stretched between the couches like a circus tent. Shelby sat between Cory and Ross, Ross sat next to Max, who sat next to Barney, who sat next to Red, Adam sat between Red and Jess, and Cory was between Jess and Shelby.
"Well... How about two truths and a lie!"
"Ooh! Fun!"

"I am part Munchkin, I would like to have a corgi, and I have a brother!"
"Hm. The lie is the brother, you're an only child!"
"Damn it! Adam knows me too well!"
"HahA! Point to butterman!"
The doorbell rings.
"Ill get it!" Jess chimes.
She hops up, opening the door.
"Oh, goddamn it." She groans.
"Aphmau! You've been gone all week! When are you coming home? Are those boys pjs?!"
"Firstly, my name is Jess, secondly, what do you mean come home? I am home! And yes, I stole the pjs from Adam."
"Stop messing around, babe, this isn't funny."
"You dont have the right to call me 'babe' anymore, Aaron. We're over. We have been for a while."
"Jess, who's at the door?"
Adam crawls out of the tent, skipping over.
"Oh. Hey."
"... Uh... Yes... Me? My name is Adam, by the way."
"You stole Aphmau from me!"
"For the love of god my name is Jess!"
"I haven't stole anyone in my life, dude! Well, no, thats not right, I stole Jason, Ty, and Okward to play video games that one time... But that doesn't count!"
"Woah, I almost forgot about them! We should have them over some time- wait, I'm getting off topic. What are you guys doing here? How do you know where we live?"
"We're here to bring you back. Remember? Todays the day we get back from vacation. We followed Travis and Zane here yesterday."
"Damn it... Ugh, fine. I'll be right back."
She closes the door.
"Guys... I'm gonna run by my old house to grab my stuff, okay? I gotta pretend like I'm staying though or they'll never let me out of their sight."
"Aw man... Okay, Jess, stay safe!" Shelby hugs her, and soon everyone joins in.
"Can I steal these pjs?" She asks Adam. He laughs.
"Yeah, go ahead."

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