Them (huh, how familiar-)

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Aphmau paled, eyes widening.
"Are you sure?"
"I've never seen that amulet anywhere else!" She grabs his wrist, dragging him with her.
"Sorry again. You sure you're okay?"
"I've got a head strong as steel!"
"And about as thick as steel too..."
She froze. It really was them. Aaron squinted at Adam.
"I swear I've seen you before..."
"I've been around the area for a bit. You from around here? I don't recall meeting you yet."
Aphmau takes a step forwards, catching Ross's attention.
He gasps.
All heads swivel to her.
"That's Aphmau, she probably just looks like-"
"Ross? Is it really you?"
"Jess!" He runs over, embracing Aphmau in a tight hug, which she returns.
"I thought I'd never see you guys again!" She looks at the rest of the group. Ross lets go, and immidiately Adam runs over, spinning her around. She squealed, giggling, and hugs him.
"Jess, oh my notch, you're okay! I thought you were dead! I'm so, so sorry!"
She laughs.
"It's alright Adam. I'm just glad you're okay!"
"Aphmau, what's going on?" Aaron steps closer to her, not happy with how close she and this Adam guy were to each other.
"That's where I've seen you before!" Katelyn snaps her fingers, "your amulet is exactly the same as the drawing Aphmau did! And the sunglasses... And the ears and tail..."
Adam's wolf ears tilt towards her.
"Katelyn yoinked my sketchbook and saw a picture of you." Aphmau shrugs.
"Hi, I'm Travis. Jess told me a lot about you guys," Travis steps forwards, offering his hand. Adam ignores said hand and hugs him, because that's what Adam does.
"Travis?" Katelyn asks, confused. What does he mean?
"Aphmau, who are these people? Why are they calling you Jess?"
"Jess, who are these guys and why are they calling you Aphmau?" Red mimics, snickering.
"Guys, this is Katelyn, Aaron, Cadenza, Lucinda, and you've met Travis."

Aaron was a bit hurt that she chose to answer the red head instead of him. Still, she hadn't answered the other question.
"Aph, how do you know these guys? And why are they calling you Jess?" He presses. She glances at him, as if she'd only really noticed him just now.
"I suppose I should introduce the others to you, huh? Guys, meet Adam, Max, Ross, Cory, Shelby, Barney, and Red." She points to each person as she says their names, "they're my best friends that I haven't seen in a long time."
"Oh, Jess! Now that you're here, c'mon! We need to catch up!" Shelby grabs her hand, dragging her with her. Aphmau laughs.
"Hey, Travis, you wanna come with?" She says, Travis grins.
"Sure!" He waves to Katelyn, who had a betrayed expression, and runs after them. The rest of the group ran off with them, laughing about something or another.
"Where's Aphmau?" Garroth jogs over.
"She and Travis just went off with that group, she claimed they were her 'best friends she hadn't seen seen in a while'" Aaron used air quotes, voice bitter.

Jess laughed as Shelby squealed.
He had thrown her over his shoulder and started running to the ocean, dumping her in next to where Travis was chilling.
Sitting up, she glared at him.
"YoU jErK!!'
He laughed, but she pulled him down into the water with her, making him cry out in surprise.
"Hey!" He says, sitting up next to her. The water was up to their necks.
"Hey Jess~" Adam smirks. She jumps up.
"Oh, hELL NO!" She breaks out in a sprint, trying to get away from Adam who was very much ready to throw her in the water.

The gang had walked down the beach, hoping to find Aphmau.
Aaron growled as that Adam guy grabs Aphmau, carrying her to the water and dumping her in next to Travis, the blonde guy, and redhead girl, Cory and Shelby?
"Adam! I hate you!" She exclaimed, hair plastered to her forehead. He just laughs, even as she pulls him into the water with her.

Red and Barney grin at each other, speeding towards the water and splashing in, emerging next to the rest of the group. They splash around for a while, before Max picks up Ross, holding him over his head as he leaps into the water, drenching the both of them and splashing everyone.
"Max!!" Ross says, squirrel ears pinned to his head as he tries to shake the water off.
"Sorry, bud, but I wasn't gonna let you miss out on the fun!"
They eventually swim out a bit further, and at some point end up on each other's shoulders, trying to push others into the water. Travis watched, laughing.
"Sorry, Cous, but it must be done!" Shelby cries, pushing Ross into the water.
"Noooooo!" He falls, splashing around a bit in an attempt to stay afloat before Max reaches out and holds him up.
Jess pushes Shelby off, leaving her to swim on her own as Cory laughs because her hair's in her face.
That left her and Red, paired with Adam and Barney respectively.
"It's not fair! She's part cat, she has better balence!"
"You don't have fur to weigh you down!" Jess counters, as Red and Barney were both lizard-like.
She and Adam win, much to the playful annoyance of the rest of them.
Adam proceeded to jump up and slam dunk Jess backwards into the water.
"AdAm!! I can't sWim!!" She flails around. He just reaches out, carrying her as Max was doing with Ross.
"Y'all need to learn how to swim." Travis comments, floating around them.

Aaron was definitely not happy. Especially when the Adam guy only set Aphmau down when they were on land.
"She's never smiled like that when she was with us..." Zane comments, sounding almost defeated.
They were all on a large picnic blanket, and Aphmau called to Adam, "Catch!" Throwing a grape. He catches it in his mouth, throwing her one which she also catches.

They laugh as the others try to replicate their trick, the closest being Max and Ross who just nearly catch it, though not with as much grace as the other two. Travis throws one up, catching it himself. Poor lonely child.

Aaron remembers when he tried to do that with her, but she had refused to, saying she wouldn't be able to do it. Was it all a lie?
He steps out, ready to confront them.
"Aphmau, Travis, we're going home. Let's go."

The Amulet~ A Minecraft Diarys-Sky Media Crossover/ The Song~Mystreet-SkymediaWhere stories live. Discover now