NGL this is just fanservice

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The next morning, everyone continued on as normal. Everyone except a few specific people, that is.

First to wake up was Max, who magically didn't have a hangover. Old alcohol was magic. I don't feel like describing headaches. I'm lazy. This is a shipping chapter, I do what I want.
He looked down at the cute curly haired boy snuggled up against him, blush rising to his face.
Ross woke up next, looking up to see Max.
"Mmph... Go back to sleep." He mumbles, closing his eyes and snuggling closer to the other.
His eyes fly open, face heating up.
"oH hey MaX!" He squeaks, trying to jump up. Instead, Max just tightened his hold around the other's waist, smirking.
"Hey, Ross. You aren't getting away that easy, bud." He winks, Ross's face going very red.
"Uh- I'm sorry- you kinda just pulled me down- and I didn't wanna wake you up- and I- Um-" he stutters, eyes wide. Max chuckles softly at Ross's embarrassment.
"You're so cute."
Ross begins babbling, stuttering like crazy and just not making much sense. With a playful roll of his eyes, Max shut him up with a kiss.
That definitely worked, as Ross stared at Max in silent awe.
"Welp, I'm satisfied." Max sits up, releasing Ross and leaving the tent.
Ross sat there for another minute, utterly shocked, before a grin spread across his face and he squealed into his hands.

Jess woke up next, still enclosed in Adam's arms. She looks up at him, remembering all of their past adventures. She had been separated from them when squids attacked, Adam had told her to run after she sustained a pretty heavy blow to the head, in which she had before passing out, temporarily erasing her memory. After she had already assumed role as Lord, she got her memories back, courtesy of Lucinda, who had recognised her and told her who she was; subsequently anime style flashbacks and memories came to her, yet she was stuck as Phoenix Drop's Lord, and would feel too bad leaving them alone be just to maybe find Adam again.

Suddenly, the only fuzzy part of her memory returned to her; the moments right after the blow to the head. Adam running over, holding her face gently, making sure she was okay.
"Jess? C'mon, Jess, please be okay, I can't loose you, please!"
"Adam?" Everything was fuzzy, her vision was fading.
"Jess, they want your powers, they want YOU! You gotta run, we'll distract them, just go! I promise I'll find you again when it's safe!"
Adam leans in, kissing her.
"Of course. I love you. I'll see you later, okay? Stay safe! Now go, go!"
She turned and ran, ran as fast as her legs would take her.

Blush rises to her face. Adam said he loved her. Adam loved her. Did he still love her?
He woke up, looking at her, sunglasses askew.
"Yeah, Jess?"
"Before I ran away all those years ago, you said you loved me."
His face flushes.
"Uh, yeah, I guess I did."
"Do you still love me?"
"I never stopped."
She smiles.
"I never got to tell you that I loved you too."
"Well, no time like the present."

Shelby woke up to Cory poking her in the shoulder.
"Hey, wake up."
"Huh? Cory?"
"Hey Shubble. C'mon, get up! Let's go!" She got up, Cory immidiately grabbing her hand to drag her into the woods with him. She caught Amy wink at her before they left, and flashed a quick grin at her.
Eventually, he slowed down, just walking through the forest with her, still not letting go of her hand.
"Hey, Cory? What're we doing out here?" She finally asks. He smirks.
"Nothing, really, I just wanted to spend time with you without prying eyes watching our every move."
She blushes lightly.
They chatted quietly sometimes, but mainly kept to just walking through the woods together. Hearing a twig snap, Cory suddenly drags Shelby behind a tree with him, shushing her.
A bunny hops out of the bushes, and he relaxes, turning to Shelby.
Grinning, he steps closer to her, causing her to blush brightly.
"Uh... Hey, Cory?"
"Yeah, Shubble?" He stares deep into her amber eyes, author cringing heavily at how awkward this feels to write.
"Do you like me?"
" it that obvious?"
"No, you're just really close to my face and have flirted with me at least twice." She rolls her eyes, kissing his cheek before starting back towards camp.
"C'mon, the others are probably wondering where we went."
He followed after her, smiling like an idiot.
"You're adorable." He chuckles, causing her to blush brightly.
"Shut up..."

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