The Visitors

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Aphmau stares at the amulet clutched in her hands. She shook like a leaf, tears beginning to cascade down her face. He was alive. He kept it. A part of her mind whispered. He kept the amulet. The amulet. She was snapped out of her thoughts. He needs this! She wipes the tears away quickly, but not before Laurence notices.
"Lady Aphmau! Are you alright?" He asks. She jumps, hugging the amulet closer to her chest.
"O-Oh! Laurence! Y-Yes, I'm fine! Just... Got something in my eye is all! Allergies this time of year, am I right?" She giggles, clutching the amulet closer. Laurence nods slightly, suspicious.
"What's that amulet?" He prods, hoping for an answer.
"Its- nothing! Nothing at all! I- uh, I must be going now!" She squeaks, darting down to the docks with one thought in her mind as she slipped the amulet over her head for safe keeping; Adam.

Adam sat atop the pure white horse he had named Cloud. Ty, Jason, and Max all followed behind on their own horses. Ross, who was too scared to ride a horse alone, sat on Max's head in squirrel form, nestled into his hair. Jess would have got a kick out of that one. Or, more accurately, a fangirl squeal and a Mad Max. He smirks, opening his mouth to begin singing loudly.
"100 sticks of budder on the wall! 100 sticks of budder! Take one down, pass it to Adam, 99 sticks of budder on the wall!" Max groaned, already annoyed. Ty, Jason, and even Ross, albeit quietly, join in on the fun. Soon, Max joins in too, despite his apparent annoyance. They all changed the lyrics though. Adam sang about sticks of budder. Ty sang the original, Jason sang about stars, Ross sang about redstone, and Max sang about Mac'n'Cheese. Just as they reach one, they arrive at a gate.
"Oh! We're here already! Man, 99 sticks of Budder, bottles of beer, stars, bowls of Mac'n'Cheese, and redstone really passes the time!" Adam jokes, putting his favorite budder sword back into it's sheathe, sharper then usual he had nothing else to do while he waited for his turn to sing.
"Halt! Who goes there?" A guard calls.
"I AM ARTHUR, KING OF THE- wait no that's not right..." Adam laughs, turning to his friends before back up at the guard.
"My name is Sky Cloudjumper!" He says under his alias. He prefers not to give his real name.
"I am Deadlox Draygone," Ty calls, riding up next to me on his pitch black horse he named Ender.
"Mithzan Zed, and this is my friend Ross," Max points to Ross, still in squirrel form, who looks up. He's on his golden-brown horse he named Cheese.
"Star," Jason simply says, not bothering with a last name. His horse is a dark brown, whom he gave the name Comet to.
"What is your business here?" The guard calls.
"I believe you have something of ours. An amulet was located here by our sorcerer," Adam says. The guard looks back, supposedly at another guard. Faintly, they hear
"Garroth! Get Lord Aphmau! We have visitors,"

The Amulet~ A Minecraft Diarys-Sky Media Crossover/ The Song~Mystreet-SkymediaWhere stories live. Discover now