Welcome home

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The second they walked inside of the house, Adam was in front of them.
"Hey, Jess, I heard about what happened, are you okay? Did they hurt you? If they hurt you I swear to Notch ill-"
"Adam, I'm okay. Just... A bit shaken up, I guess. I'm fine." She takes his hand, knowing that if he didn't calm down he'd probably go and attack Aaron. He takes a deep breath, running his free hand through his messy curls.
"Okay, okay. You sure you're okay? You need anything?"
Jess grins, "I mean, I could sure use a hug!"
Adam laughs, hugging her. She smiled, hugging him happily. Adam gave good hugs.

Shelby wandered off, feeling like a third wheel. She finds Cory in the kitchen, just looking at a box of pasta, confused. She giggles, catching his attention.
"Hey. Need any help?"
"...yes, please. The last time I tried to make pasta, I set the pan on fire and scrapped the project..."
She giggles, taking the box from him and setting up water to boil, reading over the instructions.
About half an hour later, she and Cory sat on the counter, eating pasta and joking around.
"You're so cool..." He mumbles, causing her to blush.

Red and Barney sat next to each other, just playing on their phones and occasionally showing each other a meme or cool piece of art work.
Red gets a text, it's from Travis. They had shared phone numbers earlier that day.
"Hey, you're the only one I have the phone number of, I was just wondering if Jess made it there okay?"
"Hey, Jess got here just fine. Thanks for caring; you'll have to stop by and visit sometime!"
"Who are yous texting, Reds?"
"Travis. He was just making sure Jess made it okay."
Barney nods, a spark of jealously flaring through him. They seemed awful close...
Later, Red's head fell to his shoulder. Turning to look at him, Barney smiled. Red had passed out, phone on the bed next to him.
He (layed? Laid? Lay?) Red down, covering him with a blanket and placing his phone on the desk after plugging it in. He left, flopping onto his own bed before falling asleep as well.

Max was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone for something to do, when his door opened.
"Hey, Ross, what's up Bud?"
"I-Uh-I... I had a nightmare..." He mumbles, embarrassed. Max sat up, opening his arms. Ross practically ran over, snuggling into his hug.
"Thanks..." He sighs, feeling safer in the other's arms.
" 'course, buddy. What's on your mind?"
"I guess... I'm worried about Jess. She isn't here, anymore, I assume?"
"Actually, she left then came back. She's okay, but her now ex boyfriend was being hostile and was trying to stop her from seeing us. Everything's ok now, though."
Ross smiles tiredly up at him, before just cuddling closer to the other.
Max blushed redder than his hair as Ross falls asleep in his arms.
'he's so godd*mned cute I'm gonna die-'

Adam sat with Jess on the couch, just happy to be in her company.
"...I should be, like, sad, right? I mean I just broke up with Aaron, shouldn't I be feeling sad over the breakup or something? I'm just... relieved right now."
"You shouldn't force feelings. Maybe you're just so done with him you don't feel anything but relief that it's over- wait you broke up with him?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"I-wow, um, I honestly kinda forgot you were with him while we watched the movie and I felt kinda bad but I guess he's an *sshole so..." Jess laughs
"Yeah." They talk for an hour or two more, then she yawns, pulling her knees to her chest and leaning on Adam's shoulder.
"...'ma go to sleep now..." She mumbles

When Jess woke up, she was in a bed. She recognised the black and yellow covers; Adam.
Walking downstairs, she find him eating pancakes slathered in butter.
Shelby was also there, Cory watching her make more pancakes. A note in red and green ink said "going to explore for a bit, brb" but that's all she could read.
"Mhph... hey guys..." She mumbles, rubbing her eyes.
"Hey Jess! I'm making pancakes!"
"I can see that" she grins.
Shelby smirks, turning around and removing something from a side pan. Jess sits down, and Shelby sets a plate of-
"BACON!" she squeals, "Thank you Shelby!"
Shelby laughs as she practically inhales the bacon.
Max walks down the stairs, Ross stumbling down after him.
"Hey, Shelby, what's for breakfast?" Max asks, sliding into a stool. Ross takes the stool next to him, leaning against his hand sleepily.
"Pancakes!" She sets a pancake with chocolate chips down in front of Cory, a blueberry one in front of Ross, and a banana pancake in front of Max.
"Yay!" Ross cheers sleepily, still not fully awake.
Shelby sits next to Cory after making herself a strawberry pancake.
Jess leaps up, grabbing the canister of whipped cream.
She puts some on Max and Ross's pancakes.
"Jess! Can I have some?"
She grins, putting some on Shelby and Cory's pancake as well.
Shelby gets up after eating about half of her pancake to get some orange juice but accidentally knocks the pancakes to the floor.
"You dropped your pancakes, m'lady," Max says as he squirts the entire canister of whipped cream into his mouth.
(Please get the reference- it made me wheeze far too hard- send help my Asthma is not being friendly I'm actually wheezing-)
"Yeah no kidding," Shelby glares at him. Everybody laughs.

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