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Aphmau sits on the dock, trying to think. How could his amulet get here? How was he even alive?
She was jostled from her thoughts when Garroth ran to the docks, calling loudly.
"Lord Aphmau! LORD APHMAU!!"
She sighed, turning to where the knight clad in armor approached.
"Yes, Garroth?"
"There are visitors at the gate! They claim to be looking for an amulet? Their 'sorcerer' located it here."
Aphmau leaps up, already speeding to the gate. Garroth had never seen anyone run so fast before. She appeared at the gate in record time.
"Lord Aphmau I'm glad you're-" Dante starts.
"Adam?" She asks the man on the white horse softly. His eyes widen.
"Jess?" She immidiately orders Dante to open the gates.
"But, Lord Aphmau-"
"Dante." She gives him a cold stare. He sighs, giving the orders to open the gates. Adam dismounts the second the gates start to open, running to Aphmau and hugging her. Aphmau laughs, hugging him back.
"It's been years!" She exclaims.
"I can't believe you were here, of all places!" He replies. Aphmau, just now remembering the amulet, quickly takes it off and hands it to him. He sighs in relief, slipping it in and visibly relaxing.
"Care to explain how that got here?" She raises an eyebrow. He shrugs.
"I've no clue myself, m'lady, but I'm glad it did." He tips an imaginary fedora, and Aphmau laughs.
"Oh yeah! You know Max and Ross, but I don't think you've met Ty or Jason yet, have you?" He turns to his friends, who just stand outside of the gates. Jess makes an exaggerated motion for them to come in, which they do. Garroth finally catches up, standing next to Dante.
"Who are?" He says
"No clue." Dante cuts him off.
"Why are?" He attempts to catch his breath.
"I think Lord Aphmau knows them."
"How?" Dante shrugs in response.
"Greetings, Jess, right? Adam has told me all about you." Adam glares up at Ty, who was smirking.
"Ty hOw cOuLd yOu!?!?" He cries out in mock betrayal. Aphmau laughs again.
"My name is Jason. It's nice to meet you." Jason reaches his hand down to shake Aphmau's.
"Lord Aphmau, who are these people?" Laurence runs up.
"Lord Aphmau, huh? Well, seems you've got yourself a title." Max chuckles. Ross jumps off his head onto Aphmau's shoulder. She laughs.
"Hey, Ross!" He chitters back before leaping back onto Max's head.
"My name is Sky. That's Star, Deadlox, Mithzan, and his squirrel friend Ross." Adam says.
"I found his amulet here. I'm guessing someone stole it and put it here in an attempt to start a conflict. Which wouldn't turn out well for Phoenix Drop last I checked. It's a good thing Sky and I are old friends." She grins. Laurence looks at her confused.
"I thought you didn't remember your past?"

Hey sorry I edited it because I was big dumb, ignore me.

The Amulet~ A Minecraft Diarys-Sky Media Crossover/ The Song~Mystreet-SkymediaWhere stories live. Discover now