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Oop, been a while eh? I am so very sorry! Enjoy :)

Jess put the last box into the trailer van, sighing in relief. She turns to Adam, who closes the van door.
"Alright, what's the plan?"
"Well, when Max, Ross, Shelby, Cory, Red, and Barney get out here," He counts the names on his fingers with a grin, "We'll load up into the van and work out the driving schedule."
"Ooh! I call far back seat!"
"I'll take the other far back seat then; we can play I spy!"
The gang finally finishes their sweep of the house, climbing into the van. It was much bigger than her old friends' vans; they'd needed two to carry everyone. There were ten seats; two in front, three in the front middle, three in the back middle, and two that folded up from the trunk. Jess sits in one, Adam taking the other. Max and Ross sit in the seats infront of them, middle seat empty, and Red and Barney sit infront of them, middle seat also empty. Cory was the first driver and Shelby sat shotgun.
An hour later, they got out for a pitstop, Jess and Adam running over to the vending machines.
"M&Ms or Kitkats..." Jess mutters.
" can share M&Ms, so M&Ms." Adam gets a few cocacolas and a pepsi. They put the items in the car, then decide to walk around a bit to stretch their legs.
"Hey, Adam!" Jess grins, running at him.
"Oh nOOO!" He starts running away, they dodge around trees and benches, until finally Jess jumps onto a bench, launching at him and tackling him to the ground.
"HAH!" She rolls to her feet, tail swishing. "You're it!" She takes off running again. Shelby grins, running next to her.
"Oh! Tag? I'm game!" Ross sprints after them. Adam tags Max, taking off in the other direction with a "WHEEZY!"
Pretty soon, everyone was darting around, trying to avoid getting tagged. Ross grins, darting up a tree, and Jess and Shelby follow, watching from the leaves as Red tries to evade Barney.
"This is so cheating," Adam whispers behind them, and they all jump, turning. He was on a branch behind them, crouched lazily.
"God, I hate it when you do that..." Jess grumbles, but she's smiling none the less.
Eventually, the game is paused and they get back on the road, Shelby being the driver and Cory sitting shotgun. Adam passes out the cocacolas, then hands Jess the pepsi and she gasps, grinning brightly.
"You remembered!"
"Of course I did, silly!"
They finally got to their new house ten hours later, mostly because they spent so long playing tag at reststops. Jess was the last driver, driving for an hour before pulling into the driveway. Adam, who was in the other front seat, cheered.
"I... am not going to do any unpacking tonight, I am exhausted. Lets set up some beds and deal with it tomorrow?" Jess suggests. They all agree, each grabbing a box of blankets and pillows and such to bring inside. They roll a few thick blankets out on the ground, then each choose a spot to sleep on them, grabbing a pillow and blanket. Too lazy to set up separate blanket pile beds, they just decided to all share one big blanket pile, like a sleepover.
The next morning, they were all pretty much tangled up. Adam's arm was slung over Cory's eyes, Jess was pretty much curled up in a ball between Adam and Shelby, and Ross was sprawled across Max, Red, and Shelby. Everyone was pretty much both on top and underneath someone. That was a fun morning, filled with laughter, exclaims of "get off me!" and general confusion. Jess was glad she had her friends back; it was just like back in the old days!
That day was spent exploring; the house itself had six bedrooms but they decided that they could turn some other rooms into bedrooms.
Jess ended up claiming a large closet on the second floor, which was plenty of room for her. Shelby claimed the smallest room, Ross claiming one of the two rooms in the attic. Max, Cory, and Adam each took one of the other bedrooms, Max the other room in the attic, Adam and Cory on the second floor. Barney called dibs on a storage room in the basement, and Red called the last bedroom, which was in the basement. They brought all of their stuff inside, planning out how to decorate their rooms. They needed to order furnature anyways, why not just redesign the whole house interior?

Jess balances on the edge of a step stool, fininshing up painting her room a pale purple.
She jumps down, going to clean the paint out of her brush. She'd have to wait for the paint to dry before she decorated. She decides to help Adam with his room; he was painting it a soft yellow in true Adam fashion. He was pretty much done, just some touch ups needed to be done, and they were done in an hour.
"You hungry?" She asks as they rinse their brushes, the growling of her friend's stomache answering her question. They laugh.
"YO! MITHROSS, CORBY, AND REDNEY! WE'RE GETTING LUNCH! WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He hollers, voice easily heard throughout the house.
"Did you really just call us Mithross, Corby, and Redney?" Max questions, poking his head into the room, Ross behind him.
"Quicker than saying Max, Ross, Cory, Shelby, Red, and Barney." Adam shrugs. Max does the 'fair enough' expression/head tilt, you know the one. The others walk in, and Jess pulls out her phone.
"Take out?"
The general answer was 'yes.'
They debate a bit until they settle on pizza. You can't go wrong with pizza. Twenty minutes later, they sat in a circle in the living room, feasting on their lunch like they hadn't been to a diner just that morning.
"So, now that we're living together, are you two gonna stop pining over eachother obliviously or am I gonna have to bring it up myself?" Jess suddenly says, tone far too casual for the passive agressive words aimed at Max and Ross. The latter sputters, choking on his pizza, both of the boy's faces going red.
"W h a t?" He coughs out.
"You say as if you and Adam aren't killing all of us!" Max defends.
"What do you mean by that!? I haven't killed anyone!"
"Adam you continue to amaze me with how stupid you are. I thought it had finally reached it's limit, and I was incorrect."
"Reds, we understoods like halfs of what yous just said."
"Speak for yourself, I understood everything your boyfriend said just fine." Shelby snickers in response to Cory's comment.
"Boyfriend?" The two repeat in embarrassed disbelief.
"Yeah, that's what I said."
The pizza had been abandoned at that point.
They continued to argue until they noticed the sound of someone chewwing casually. They turn to see Ross munching on a slice of pizza.
"Oh, no, please. Continue. More pizza for me." He hums. They immediately settle down, starting to eat pizza like nothing happened.
"So... wanna go on a mall multi-date until the paint dries?" Max suggests.
They all agree. Thirty minutes later, Jess was dragging Adam to the food court, because there was this new ice cream place and honestly, who could turn down ice cream? Max and Ross ran off to the game store, Red and Barney disappear in the direction of the arcade, and Shelby and Cory find themselves in a random Hot Topic. They didn't know how they got there, but they certainly couldn't leave. Send help. They've been trapped in there for thirty minutes.
Eventually they all head home, content with the day, Shelby and Cory just glad to have been rescued from the Hot Topic.
Jess sits in her room, scrolling through her laptop for furnature. She finds all she needs, orders it, and flops onto the makeshift bed she'd made in the livingroom.
Life was good.
She and Adam started dating, as did the other pining couples in the house. That was a relief.
Zane, KC, and Travis visited about once or twice a month, Kaitlyn showing up a few months later with them to apologize. Jess welcomes her back into her life, and they're glad to be friends again. Apparently, the group had split, some of them still bitter at Jess, refusing to have anything to do with her. Mainly Aaron. The rest of them felt bad for how they'd treated her. Slowly, they all came to apologize, and Jess happily accepting their sorry's and becoming friends with them again.
She had such great, albeit strange, friends, and she wouldn't change any of it for the world.

And that's the end of my story! I hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry for how short it was, and all of the unexplored plotlines. If you would like, be my guest to rewrite any of it and/or continue the story! Be sure to tag me; I'd love to see your creativity <3
Hopefully this was a satisfying conclusion!

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