Hey Jess! Wait-

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"General Sky is back!" A semi-short elytran with raven black hair and deep purple eyes calls as they enter the base, pausing a conversation with a tall strawberry blonde.
"Hey, Angel, Julian! Would you mind telling the others we're here? I'm gonna go find Izzie."
"Of course, General! Welcome back, Jess, Cory, Ty, Jason- Wait Jess?"
"Hey Julian. I'm back!"
"Jess! It's been years!"
"I'm surprised you're still with the sky army after all this time."
"It's my home."
Jess nods with a laugh, before they continued on through the camp. After leaving their horses at the stable, Max picking up Ross to carry him, they all entered the main tent circle that was in the middle of the clearing, where the generals stay.
"Izzie! I'm back! Guess who I brought with me?"
A girl with long blonde hair pokes her head around the side of a tent.
"Well look what the dog dragged in! Hey, Jess, long time no see!"
"Izzie! I hope you've been taking care of Adam while I was gone."
"I don't need to be taken care of!"
"The last time you tried to make a bowl of cereal you nearly burned the old cabin down."
"...okay maybe you're right...but that was one time!"
"I'm sorry, you did WHAT?" Shelby blurts, nearly breaking down into laughter.
"Well you see, back when we had a cabin at our old camp, I got out the cereal and put it on the stove, but I guess the stove was on because while I grabbed a bowl it caught aflame, and so then I dropped the milk jug on it which just melted the plastic and spilled milk on the floor, causing me to slip and fall, I hit my head on the floor and passed out, allowing the fire to keep growing, and that's when Izzie found me I guess because I woke up in a medical tent and she was not pleased."
"Why I have such a doofus brother, I will never know."
Shelby is laughing, and Jess is nearly dead, leaning against the wall as she wheezes. This, of course, wakes up Ross, who looks around sleepily.
"Adam just told the story of the burning cereal."
"Oh... Yeah, that was pretty funny. Hey, Izzie, how're you?"
Izzie raises at eyebrow at him.
"Hey Ross. You planning on getting up, or?"
He looks up at Max, very suddenly realising where he was, and blushed brightly.
"oH." He quickly got up, nearly the entire group bursting into laughter.

"We should get back..." Jess frowns, knowing Shelby's right.
"C'mon... Just a while longer?"
"They're gonna get worried... We've been gone for two days, and will be gone a third, maybe even a fourth if we don't go now..." Shelby doesn't seem too pleased with leaving either.
"I can send a message, if you want?" Izzie suggests.
"You can?"
She whistles softly, and a bird swoops down. It's an owl, which lands on her shoulder.
"Ollie can deliver messages for me."
Shelby quickly scribbles a message,
"Aphmau and I will be gone for a bit longer, if you need us just follow the path. Garroth is in charge until we return.  Try not to burn down the village. -Shubble/Aphmau"
She signs it Shubble because it's a bit of a code name, verifying it's her and nothing's wrong.
She hands the letter to Izzie, who gives it to Ollie. He takes it in his tallens and flies away.

They sat around large bonfire, laughing with the recruits.
Cory and Shelby had ended up sitting next to each other again, and started up a conversation. As it turns out, they had a lot in common.
Adam grins, taking a swig from the bottle. He didn't know who brought the alcohol, but he was celebrating Jess's return and therefore didn't care.
Jess giggles, already mildly tipsy.

Only a small group remained. Adam, Jess, Ross, Max, Red, Barney, Cory, and Shelby sat around a much smaller camp fire off at the edge of the clearing. Ross and Shelby avoided the alcohol, neither really being a fan, and Jess decided she had enough, but Max, Adam, and Cory were each chugging a bottle. Red and Barney were sharing a bottle, chatting casually.
"I win!" Adam slurs, throwing his arms up in celebration as he finishes his bottle first.
"Yeah, yeah... Good job, you're a better alcoholic than us..." Cory snickers.
"Reeematch! I call for a Rematch!" Max says.
"Should we stop them?" Ross asks.
"I kinda wanna see where this goes." Shelby replies.
"Maybe a ship will happen..." Jess giggles, still slightly tipsy.

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