Aman Okami

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Every body thinks they know pain. But when you hear my story, you'll know you haven't, and hope you never do. My name is Aman Okami, and this is my story.

I have a 14 Tailed Shadow Wolf sealed inside me. Yeah, a lot of pressure to put on a girl when she was just born. I am part of the Okami clan, the most powerful clan in existence. It is so powerful it was only told of in legend and story. But the Okami people hid in the village Hidden in the Misty Mountains (shout out to Hobbit fans!) 

I have the rarest, and most powerful kekigenki ever. It appears in various clans, but only every 500 years. I got lucky. It is called the Dorobo. Literally meaning thief. I won't tell you what it does just yet.

I became an apprentice to Death.

Oh, and not to mention I received the most powerful jutsu ever as well.

Yeah, I'm not exactly somone you want to mess with. But power comes at a price. I payed that price.

I won't tell you any more. For now, just sit back, relax, and listen to the story of the girl who is Death's apprentice

Hallo, my lovely readers! I hope you liked the first chapter! Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment!! Shout out to JowiUzukami! (They wanted to see this story.) Catch ya on the dark side! 🐺BYE!!

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